Te Au The Current - Te Papa’s Nature debate public response data
Data and Resources
The general READ ME file for Te Au The Current. Contains project description and contextual information for the datasets.
General images and screenshots of Te Au The Current. Images provide contextual detail for the datasets.
EVENT LOG for The CurrentCSV
The EVENT LOG for The Current will be updated with additional information about events of significance to dataset collection, including: data collection start/end dates for Topic Questions; any...
GENERAL Data Screening Instructions for Te Au The CurrentTXT
General Data Screening Instructions for The Current describes steps that have been taken by Te Papa to mask any personal information collected unintentionally before releasing datasets.
TP001 READ ME The Current Topic Question Petrol cars should be banned by 2030TXT
TP001 READ ME provides contextual information specific to the dataset for The Current Topic Question 'Petrol cars should be banned by 2030' Te Papa survey-f37f9370-5fe3-11e9-9212-ed7506b77255
TP001 Screenshot The Current Topic Question Petrol cars should be banned by 2030PNG
TP001 Screenshot provides contextual detail for The Current Topic Question: Petrol cars should be banned by 2030.
TP001 survey-f37f9370-5fe3-11e9-9212-ed7506b77255CSV
TP001 survey contains The Current Topic content, created by Te Papa, for the Topic Question: Petrol cars should be banned by 2030.
TP001 survey-f37f9370-5fe3-11e9-9212-ed7506b77255-responses-personal-info-maskedCSV
TP001 survey ... responses personal info masked contains the public response dataset for The Current Topic Question: Petrol cars should be banned by 2030.
TP001 The Current Topic Question Petrol cars should be banned by 2030 Te Papa Web Submissions May 2019 to 29 April 2020 personal-info-maskedCSV
TP001 The Current Topic Question Petrol cars should be banned by 2030 Te Papa Web Submissions is the part of the dataset collected through Google forms web submissions.
TP008 READ ME The Current Topic Question Nature helps us get through lockdowns Te Papa survey-66b47fe0-db85-11ea-b423-b14113218ee7.txt
TP008 READ ME provides contextual information specific to the dataset for The Current Topic Question 'Nature helps us get through lockdowns' Te Papa survey-66b47fe0-db85-11ea-b423-b14113218ee7
TP008 survey-66b47fe0-db85-11ea-b423-b14113218ee7.csv
TP008 survey contains The Current Topic content, created by Te Papa, for the Topic Question: Nature helps us get through lockdowns.
TP008 survey-66b47fe0-db85-11ea-b423-b14113218ee7-responses-personal-info-masked.csv
TP008 survey ... responses personal info masked contains the public response dataset for The Current Topic Question: Nature helps us get through lockdowns
TP008 Screenshot The Current Topic Question Nature helps us get through lockdowns.png
TP008 Screenshot provides contextual detail for The Current Topic Question: Nature helps us get through lockdowns.
TP008 The Current Topic QuestionTopic Question Nature helps us get through lockdowns Te Papa Web Submissions 2020 personal info masked.csv
TP008 The Current Topic Question Nature helps us get through lockdowns Te Papa Web Submissions is the part of the dataset collected through Google forms web submissions.
TP009 README The Current Topic Question We should protect kauri.txt
TP009 README provides contextual information specific to the dataset for The Current Topic Question 'We should protect kauri' Te Papa survey-25fd7970-39b3-11eb-b423-b14113218ee7
TP009 survey-25fd7970-39b3-11eb-b423-b14113218ee7CSV
TP009 survey contains The Current Topic content, created by Te Papa, for the Topic Question: We should protect kauri.
TP009 survey-25fd7970-39b3-11eb-b423-b14113218ee7-responses-personal-info-maskedCSV
TP009 survey ... responses personal info masked contains the public response dataset for The Current Topic Question: We should protect kauri
TP009 Screenshot The Current Topic Question We should protect kauriPNG
TP009 Screenshot provides contextual detail for The Current Topic Question: We should protect kauri
TP010 README The Current Topic Question To protect myrtlesTXT
TP010 README provides contextual information specific to the dataset for The Current Topic Question 'To protect myrtles' Te Papa survey-b027ce90-e901-11eb-a18d-634d797d33a1
TP010 survey-b027ce90-e901-11eb-a18d-634d797d33a1CSV
TP010 survey contains The Current Topic content, created by Te Papa, for the Topic Question: To protect myrtles.
TP010 Screenshot of The Current Topic Question To protect myrtlesPNG
TP010 Screenshot provides contextual detail for The Current Topic Question: To protect myrtles
TP010 survey-b027ce90-e901-11eb-a18d-634d797d33a1-responses-personal-info-maskedCSV
TP010 survey ... responses personal info masked contains the public response dataset for The Current Topic Question: To protect myrtles
TP011 README provides contextual information specific to the dataset for The Current Topic Question 'When our borders reopen we should limit tourist numbers' Te Papa...
TP011 survey-60dbc130-2587-11ec-b1c0-c7ba79113580.csv
TP011 survey contains The Current Topic content, created by Te Papa, for the Topic Question: When our borders reopen we should limit tourist numbers
TP011 Screenshot of The Current Topic Question on When our borders reopen we should limit tourist numbers.png
TP011 Screenshot provides contextual detail for The Current Topic Question: When our borders reopen we should limit tourist numbers
TP011 survey-60dbc130-2587-11ec-b1c0-c7ba79113580-responses_personal_info_masked.csv
TP011 survey ... responses personal info masked contains the public response dataset for The Current Topic Question: When our borders reopen we should limit tourist numbers.
TP011 Accessible web responses for question When our borders reopen we should limit tourist numbers.csv
TP011 Accessible web responses for question When our borders reopen we should limit tourist numbers is the part of the dataset collected through Google forms web submissions.
TP012 README The Current topic question To control wasps.txt
TP012 README provides contextual information specific to the dataset for The Current Topic Question 'To control wasps in Aotearoa New Zealand, we should consider using gene editing instead of...
TP012 survey-6ca30f80-531f-11ec-a18d-634d797d33a1.txt
TP012 survey contains The Current Topic content, created by Te Papa in partnership with Master of Science in Society Intern, Centre for Science in Society, Wellington Faculty of Science, Te Herenga...
TP012 Screenshot The Current topic waps gene editing.png
TP012 Screenshot provides contextual detail for The Current Topic Question: To control wasps in Aotearoa New Zealand, we should consider using gene editing instead of poison.
TP012 Screenshot The Current topic wasps gene editing - with percentages.png
TP012 Screenshot provides contextual detail and final percentages for responses to The Current Topic Question: To control wasps in Aotearoa New Zealand, we should consider using gene editing...
TP012 survey-6ca30f80-531f-11ec-a18d-634d797d33a1-accessible-response-data-masked.csv
TP012 survey-6ca30f80-531f-11ec-a18d-634d797d33a1-accessible-response-data-masked contains Accessible web responses for question 'To control wasps in Aotearoa New Zealand, we should consider using...
TP012 survey-6ca30f80-531f-11ec-a18d-634d797d33a1-responses-personal-info-masked.csv
TP012 survey-6ca30f80-531f-11ec-a18d-634d797d33a1-responses-personal-info-masked contains the public response dataset for The Current Topic Question: To control wasps in Aotearoa New Zealand, we...
TP002 README The Current topic question Sustainably Caught FishTXT
TP002 README provides contextual information specific to the dataset for The Current Topic Question 'Supermarkets should only sell sustainably caught fish, even if it costs more.' Te Papa...
TP002 survey-d1593490-5fe3-11e9-9212-ed7506b77255CSV
TP002 survey contains The Current Topic content, created by Te Papa, for the Topic Question: Supermarkets should only sell sustainably caught fish, even if it costs more.
TP002 survey-d1593490-5fe3-11e9-9212-ed7506b77255-responses-personal-info-maskedCSV
TP002 survey ... responses-personal-info-masked contains the public response dataset for The Current Topic Question: Supermarkets should only sell sustainably caught fish, even if it costs more.
TP002 Screenshot The Current topic Sustainably caught fishPNG
TP002 Screenshot provides contextual detail for The Current Topic Question: Supermarkets should only sell sustainably caught fish, even if it costs more.
TP005 README The Current topic question Catch WhitebaitTXT
TP005 README provides contextual information specific to the dataset for The Current Topic Question 'Everyone should be allowed to catch as much whitebait as they want.' Te Papa survey-...
TP005 survey-be374e10-63d9-11ea-a368-6773eeb4d7d0CSV
TP005 survey contains The Current Topic content, created by Te Papa, for the Topic Question: Everyone should be allowed to catch as much whitebait as they want.
TP005 survey-be374e10-63d9-11ea-a368-6773eeb4d7d0-responses-personal-info-maskedCSV
TP011 survey ... responses-personal-info-masked contains the public response dataset for The Current Topic Question: Everyone should be allowed to catch as much whitebait as they want.
TP005 Screenshot The Current topic Catch WhitebaitPNG
TP005 Screenshot provides contextual detail for The Current Topic Question: Everyone should be allowed to catch as much whitebait as they want.
TP017 README The Current Topic Question Freedom Camping.txtTXT
TP017 README provides contextual information specific to the dataset for The Current Topic Question 'To protect our environment, freedom camping should be banned.' Te Papa...
TP017 Screenshot The Current Topic Question Freedom Camping.PNGPNG
TP017 Screenshot provides contextual detail for The Current Topic Question: To protect our environment, freedom camping should be banned.
TP017 survey-c9706e60-6f57-11ed-a18d-634d797d33a1.csvCSV
TP017 survey contains The Current Topic content, created by Te Papa, for the Topic Question: To protect our environment, freedom camping should be banned.
TP017 survey-c9706e60-6f57-11ed-a18d-634d797d33a1-Responses-personal-info-masked.csvCSV
TP017 survey ... responses-personal-info-masked.csv contains the public response dataset for The Current Topic Question: To protect our environment, freedom camping should be banned.
TP017 Responses from Accessible online version personal-info-masked.csvCSV
TP017 Responses from Accessible online version for the Topic Question 'To protect our environment, freedom camping should be banned' is the part of the dataset collected through Google forms web...
TP003 README The Current Topic Question Cats indoor only petsCSV
TP003 README provides contextual information specific to the dataset for The Current Topic Question 'We should make cats indoor only pets' Te Papa survey-75761a80-5fe3-11e9-9212-ed7506b77255
TP003 CATS survey-75761a80-5fe3-11e9-9212-ed7506b77255CSV
TP003 survey contains The Current Topic content, created by Te Papa, for the Topic Question: Cats should be indoor only pets.
TP003 Screenshot The Current Topic Question Cats indoor onlyPNG
TP003 Screenshot provides contextual detail for The Current Topic Question: Cats should be indoor only pets.
TP003 survey-75761a80-5fe3-11e9-9212-ed7506b77255-responses PERSONAL INFO MASKED 9 3 23CSV
TP003 survey ... responses personal info masked contains the public response dataset for The Current Topic Question: Cats should be indoor only pets.
TP003 accessible form responses Cats should be indoors personal info maskedCSV
TP003 The Current Topic Question Cats should be indoor only pets Accessible Web Submissions is the part of the dataset collected through Google forms web submissions.
TP007 README The Current Topic Question Single Use PlasticsCSV
TP007 README provides contextual information specific to the dataset for The Current Topic Question 'Single use plastics should be banned' Te Papa survey-591a5260-cc62-11ea-b8b8-a377588107c4
TP007 Plastics survey-591a5260-cc62-11ea-b8b8-a377588107c4CSV
TP007 survey contains The Current Topic content, created by Te Papa, for the Topic Question: Single use plastics should be banned
TP007 Screenshot The Current Topic Single Use PlasticsPNG
TP007 Screenshot provides contextual detail for The Current Topic Question: Single use plastics should be banned
TP007 survey-591a5260-cc62-11ea-b8b8-a377588107c4-responses personal info maskedCSV
TP007 survey ... responses personal info masked contains the public response dataset for The Current Topic Question: Single use plastics should be banned
TP007 accessible form responses Single Use Plastics personal info maskedCSV
TP007 The Current Topic Question Single use plastics should be banned Accessible Web Submissions is the part of the dataset collected through Google forms web submissions.
TP022 README The Current Topic Question Gene editing to control possumsTXT
TP022 READ ME provides contextual information specific to the dataset for The Current Topic Question ‘To control possums, we should consider using gene editing instead of 1080 poison or trapping.'...
TP022 Screenshot The Current Topic Question Gene editing to control possumsPNG
TP022 Screenshot provides contextual detail for The Current Topic Question: To control possums, we should consider using gene editing instead of 1080 poison or trapping.
TP022 survey-485c9420-5b42-11ee-a18d-634d797d33a1-reponses-personal-info-maskedCSV
TP022 survey-485c9420-5b42-11ee-a18d-634d797d33a1-responses-personal-info-masked contains the public response dataset for The Current Topic Question: To control possums, we should consider using...
TP022 survey-485c9420-5b42-11ee-a18d-634d797d33a1CSV
TP022 survey-485c9420-5b42-11ee-a18d-634d797d33a1 contains The Current Topic content, created by Te Papa, for the Topic Question: To control possums, we should consider using gene editing instead...
TP024 README The Current Topic How do you feel when you think about climate change.txtTXT
TP024 READ ME provides contextual information specific to the dataset for The Current Topic Question ‘How do you feel when you think about climate change?' Te Papa...
TP024 survey-61616e00-b834-11ef-a18d-634d797d33a1-responses-personal-info-masked.csvCSV
TP024 survey-61616e00-b834-11ef-a18d-634d797d33a1-responses-personal-info-masked contains the public response dataset for The Current Topic Question: How do you feel when you think about climate...
TP024 survey-61616e00-b834-11ef-a18d-634d797d33a1.csvCSV
TP024 survey-61616e00-b834-11ef-a18d-634d797d33a1 contains The Current Topic content, created by Te Papa, for the Topic Question: How do you feel when you think about climate change?
TP024 Screenshot The Current Topic How do you feel when you think about climate change.pngPNG
TP024 Screenshot provides contextual detail for The Current Topic Question: How do you feel when you think about climate change?
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Theme | Environment and public response |
Author | Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa |
Maintainer | Amos Mann |
Maintainer Email | Amos Mann |
Maintainer Phone | 04 381 7000 |
Update frequency | Three times a year |
Source | |
Source Created | 2019-05-11 |
Source Modified | 2020-06-04 |
Language | English and te reo Māori |
Temporal (From to To) | Ongoing |
Spatial | |
Source Identifier |