TP017 README The Current Topic Question To protect our environment, freedom camping should be banned. Te Papa survey- c9706e60-6f57-11ed-a18d-634d797d33a1 This dataset contains public responses made through Te Au | The Current, Te Papa’s Nature debate public response project. Contact: New Zealand Nature subject area: Tourism Fact: Freedom camping negatively affects the environment when people leave behind rubbish and human waste. (Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment)| Ka pā kinotia te taiao e te noho taupuni herekore i te mea, ka whakarērea e rātou te rāpihi me te para tūtae. (Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment) Image: New Zealand - Camping at Kekerengu Idea: To protect our environment, freedom camping should be banned.| Me whakahē te noho taupuni herekore hei whakamarumaru i tō tātou taiao. Question: ‘How do you feel about this idea?’ | ‘He pēhea ki a koe tēnei take?’ pk: survey-c9706e60-6f57-11ed-a18d-634d797d33a1 Collection period: 30 November 2022 to 14 February 2023 Screenshot: TP017 Screenshot The Current Topic Question Freedom Camping.PNG Topic content CSV: TP017 survey-c9706e60-6f57-11ed-a18d-634d797d33a1.csv Response data CSV: TP017 survey-c9706e60-6f57-11ed-a18d-634d797d33a1-Responses-personal-info-masked.csv Accessible web form response CSV: TP017 Responses from Accessible online version personal-info-masked.csv Note: we note a 10x higher than usual number of responses received through the Accessible web form. We believe that this is because a link to the Accessible web form might have been shared with members of an interest group. License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License We ask that Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa is attributed on use of any individual audience responses. ©2023 Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. CC BY 4.0