TP024 README The Current Topic Question How do you feel when you think about climate change. survey-61616e00-b834-11ef-a18d-634d797d33a1 This dataset contains public responses made through Te Au | The Current, Te Papa's Nature debate public response project. Contact: New Zealand Nature subject area: Climate change | Ngā pōraru āhuarangi Fact: Eight of the ten warmest years recorded in Aotearoa NZ were in the last decade (Stats NZ, 2023). | I te tekau tau kātahi anō ka huri, ka puta mai e waru o ngā tau tekau tino mahana kua inea i Aotearoa. (Tatauranga Aotearoa, 2023). Image: Photo by Khusen Rustamov Idea: Thinking about climate change affects people in different ways. | Ko te whaiwhakaaro ki te huringa āhuarangi ka pā ki ngā tāngata i ngā āhua rerekē. Question: How do you feel when you think about climate change? | Ka pēhea ngā piro ina whakaaro koe mō te huringa āhuarangi? pk: survey-61616e00-b834-11ef-a18d-634d797d33a1 Collection period: 17/12/2024 to 04/02/2025 Screenshot: TP024 Screenshot The Current Topic Question How do you feel when you think about climate change.png Topic content CSV: TP024 survey-61616e00-b834-11ef-a18d-634d797d33a1.csv Response data CSV: TP024 survey-61616e00-b834-11ef-a18d-634d797d33a1-responses-personal-info-masked.csv Accessible web form response CSV: NA License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License We ask that Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa is attributed on use of any individual audience responses. © 2024 Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. CC BY 4.0