TP002 README The Current Topic Question Supermarkets should only sell sustainably caught fish, even if it costs more. survey-d1593490-5fe3-11e9-9212-ed7506b77255 This dataset contains public responses made through Te Au | The Current, Te Papa's Nature debate public response project. Contact: New Zealand Nature subject area: Oceans | Tangaroa Fact: 32% of our fish catch is from stocks whose sustainability is not clear (Ministry for Primary Industries). | Kāore i te tino mōhiotia te nui o te ora o te 32% o ngā haonga ika (Manatū Ahu Matua). Image:Photo by Alex Wallace/photonewzealand Idea: Supermarkets should only sell sustainably caught fish, even if it costs more. | Me hoko atu e ngā hokomaha i ngā ika toitū anake, ahakoa te nui o te utu. Question: How do you feel about this idea? | He pēhea ki a koe tēnei take? pk: survey-d1593490-5fe3-11e9-9212-ed7506b77255 Collection period: 13/6/2019 to 12/02/2020 Screenshot: TP002 Screenshot The Current topic Sustainably caught fish.PNG Topic content CSV: TP002 survey-d1593490-5fe3-11e9-9212-ed7506b77255.csv Response data CSV: TP002 survey-d1593490-5fe3-11e9-9212-ed7506b77255-responses-personal-info-masked.csv License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License We ask that Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa is attributed on use of any individual audience responses. © 2022 Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. CC BY 4.0