Owner Classification Event
Waikato DataInformation about the type of events leading to the classification of dogs as menacing or dangerous. Column_InfoDog_Classification_Account, char : Account numberAccount_Year, smallint : Account yearDog_Classification_Number, int : Classification numberClassification_Code, int : Classification codeClassification_Description, char : Classification...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 21 June 2020 -
Owner Classification Event To Dog
Waikato DataInformation about classification events linked to specific dogs. Column_Info Relationship This table reference to table DogThis table reference to table Owner_Classification_Event Disclaimer Hamilton City Council does not make any representation or give any warranty as to the accuracy or exhaustiveness of the data released for public download. Levels,...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 21 June 2020 -
Refuse Collection
Waikato DataZoned areas and operation days for waste collection in the Taupō District. Taupō District Council does not make any representation or give any warranty as to the accuracy or exhaustiveness of the data provided. The data provided is indicative only and does not purport to be a complete database of all information in Taupō District Council's possession or...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 10 June 2020 -
Waikato DataThis layer displays environments identified in the Taupō District Plan. Environments are areas identified as having a certain type of development and a particular character and amenity, distinguishing it from other identified environments. Examples of environments within the Taupō district include Residential, Rural, Industrial and Town Centre.Taupō...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 10 June 2020 -
Waikato DataThis layer displays designations identified in the Taupō District Plan. A designation is a provision made within the District Plan, under Part 8 of the Resource Management Act (1991). A designation allows a requiring authority to use a piece of land for a particular purpose. This purpose may include land to be secured for public works and utilities or...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 10 June 2020 -
Dog Waste Bag Dispenser
Waikato DataTaupō District Council dog waste bag (pooper scooper) dispensers located within dog exercise areas. This dataset displays location only and does not have associated attribute information, it was created in 2016 and is updated when a modification is required. The data provided is indicative only and does not purport to be a complete database of all...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 10 June 2020 -
Speed Limit
Waikato DataThis dataset displays speed limits set in the Taupō District Council 2018 Speed Limit Bylaw. The purpose of the Bylaw is to set speed limits on all roads under the care, control or management of Taupō District Council. Within this dataset the 'Reference' and 'Notes' fields contain gazetted information (if available). The 'Status' field identifies roads...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 10 June 2020 -
Dog Control Area
Waikato DataTaupō District Council dog control areas, including prohibited areas, exercise areas and reserve information. This dataset was created in 2016 and is updated when a modification is required. The data provided is indicative only and does not purport to be a complete database of all information in Taupō District Council's possession or control. Taupō...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 10 June 2020 -
Cemetery Block
Waikato DataCemetery Blocks for Turangi Public Cemetery, Mangakino Public Cemetery, Taupō Public Cemetery & the Early Settlers Cemetery. Blocks are large portions of cemetery land which are further divided into sections and plots. This dataset does not undergo regular maintenance, proceed with caution. Taupō District Council does not make any representation...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 10 June 2020 -
Cemetery Location
Waikato DataPoint locations for Turangi Public Cemetery, Mangakino Public Cemetery, Taupo Public Cemetery & the Early Settlers Cemetery. Taupō District Council does not make any representation or give any warranty as to the accuracy or exhaustiveness of the data provided. The data provided is indicative only and does not purport to be a complete database of...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 10 June 2020 -
Waikato DataTaupō District playground point locations. This dataset was created in 2016 and is modified when an update is required. Taupō District Council does not make any representation or give any warranty as to the accuracy or exhaustiveness of the data provided. The data provided is indicative only and does not purport to be a complete database of all...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 10 June 2020 -
Neighbourhood Shopping Centre
Waikato DataThis layer displays neighbourhood shopping centres developed as part of Plan Change 30 in the Taupō District Plan, implemented in 2015. The overlay recognises that these areas differ from the surrounding residential environments and require some additional development provisions for development, such as signage. Neighbourhood Shopping Centres are...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 10 June 2020 -
Cemetery Plot Status
Waikato DataVacant and occupied cemetery plots within Turangi Public Cemetery, Mangakino Public Cemetery, Taupō Public Cemetery & the Early Settlers Cemetery. This dataset is regularly updated by Taupō District Council, however please allow for a time window between a change in the vacant/occupied status of a plot and an update in this dataset. Note that 'Vacant'...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 10 June 2020 -
Power Station
Waikato DataThis layer identifies areas hosting electricity generation operations in the Taupō District Plan. The Taupō District Plan has been operative since 2007. Selected datasets from the Taupō District Plan have been made available for download to allow for better public access to the data underlying the plan. Note that some features mapped for district plan...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 10 June 2020 -
Landscape Area
Waikato DataOutstanding Landscape Areas (OLA) and Amenity Landscape Areas (ALA) as identified in the Taupō District Plan. The key features of a Landscape Area that gives it its significance are described in section 7.1 of the Taupō District Plan, the TDC_ID can be used to search for a Landscape Area within the E-Plan. Outstanding Landscape Areas and Amenity Landscape...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 10 June 2020 -
Contaminated Site
Waikato DataUnused and active contaminated sites identified in the Taupō District Plan, including landfills and treatment plants. Note that this dataset does not contain information regarding the extent of which a site is contaminated or the measures in place to remediate the site or to allow for activity on the contaminated site.The Taupō District Plan has been...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 10 June 2020 -
Height Restriction
Waikato DataAreas that are defined as having a maximum building height restriction outside of the normal rules prescribed in the Taupō District Plan.The Taupō District Plan has been operative since 2007. Selected datasets from the Taupō District Plan have been made available for download to allow for better public access to the data underlying the plan. Note that...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 10 June 2020 -
Waikato DataThis layer displays overlays identified in the Taupō District Plan. Taupō District Plan overlays can extend across more than one environment and are created to manage a district wide issue or activity. Examples include Natural Hazards, Escarpments, and Foreshore Protection Areas. . The Taupō District Plan has been operative since 2007. Selected datasets...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 10 June 2020 -
Public Toilet Location
Waikato DataTaupō District toilet block point locations. This data was captured in 2009, it does not undergo regular maintenance. Taupō District Council does not make any representation or give any warranty as to the accuracy or exhaustiveness of the data provided. The data provided is indicative only and does not purport to be a complete database of all information...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 10 June 2020 -
Waste Transfer Station
Waikato DataWaste transfer stations located in the Taupō District. This dataset is updated as required. Taupō District Council does not make any representation or give any warranty as to the accuracy or exhaustiveness of the data provided. The data provided is indicative only and does not purport to be a complete database of all information in Taupō District...Created 10 June 2020 • Updated 10 June 2020