Owner Classification Event

Information about the type of events leading to the classification of dogs as menacing or dangerous.

Column_InfoDog_Classification_Account, char : Account numberAccount_Year, smallint : Account yearDog_Classification_Number, int : Classification numberClassification_Code, int : Classification codeClassification_Description, char : Classification descriptionClassification_Reason_Code, int : Reason codeClassification_Reason_Description, char : Classification reasonClassification_Effective_Date, datetime : Classification dateClassification_Expiry_Date, datetime : Classification expiry dateWorkflow_Type, char : Workflow typeWorkflow_Description, char : Workflow descriptionLodged_Date, datetime : Date classification lodgedDecision_Code, char : Decision codeDecision_Description, char : Decision descriptionDecision_Date, datetime : Decision datePrecis, char : PrecisActing_Officer, char : Action officerCurrent_Status_Code, char : Current status codeCurrent_Status_Description, char : Current status descriptionCurrent_Status_Open_Date, datetime : Open dateCurrent_Status_Closed_Date, datetime : Closed date


This table is referenced by Owner_Classification_Event_To_DogThis table is referenced by Owner_Classification_Event_To_Dog_ComplaintThis table is referenced by Owner_Classification_Event_To_Dog_ImpoundingThis table is referenced by Owner_Classification_Event_To_Dog_Infringement


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‘This work is derived entirely or in part from Hamilton City Council data; the provided information may be updated at any time, and may at times be out of date, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.'

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Maintainer HamiltonCityCouncil
Source http://data-waikatolass.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/f9a5ed0ccb8949728aae974e2eebb8f4_0
Source Created 2020-04-10T06:30:59.000Z
Source Modified 2020-06-20T18:35:46.000Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[174.4155, -38.7553], [177.0977, -38.7553], [177.0977, -36.9226], [174.4155, -36.9226], [174.4155, -38.7553]]]}
Source Identifier http://data-waikatolass.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/f9a5ed0ccb8949728aae974e2eebb8f4_0
Dataset metadata created 10 June 2020, last updated 21 June 2020