ASP: Processing Centres (Deprecated)
Land Information New ZealandIn June 2014, LINZ moved the information from the Authoritative Streets and Places database (ASP) into Landonline and the ASP database is no longer maintained. This table is a lookup table identifying valid LINZ Processing Centres. This table is part of the Authoritative Streets and Places (ASP) Database. For more information about the database including...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
ASP: Check Combination (Deprecated)
Land Information New ZealandIn June 2014, LINZ moved the information from the Authoritative Streets and Places database (ASP) into Landonline and the ASP database is no longer maintained. This table allows the application to check for invalid combinations of TLA, Electorate, Maori & 260 sheet references at the time of data entry. This table is recreated every time a new set of...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
ASP: MED Codes (Deprecated)
Land Information New ZealandIn June 2014, LINZ moved the information from the Authoritative Streets and Places database (ASP) into Landonline and the ASP database is no longer maintained. This table is a lookup table identifying valid Maori Electorates. This table is part of the Authoritative Streets and Places (ASP) Database. For more information about the database including the...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
ASP: GED Codes (Deprecated)
Land Information New ZealandIn June 2014, LINZ moved the information from the Authoritative Streets and Places database (ASP) into Landonline and the ASP database is no longer maintained. This table is a lookup table identifying valid General Electorates. This table is part of the Authoritative Streets and Places (ASP) Database. For more information about the database including the...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
ASP: Street Part (Deprecated)
Land Information New ZealandIn June 2014, LINZ moved the information from the Authoritative Streets and Places database (ASP) into Landonline and the ASP database is no longer maintained. A street part record will exist for every electoral subdivision of a road/street, i.e. for every valid combination of territorial authority, general electoral, & maori electoral districts that...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
ASP: Status Types (Deprecated)
Land Information New ZealandIn June 2014, LINZ moved the information from the Authoritative Streets and Places database (ASP) into Landonline and the ASP database is no longer maintained. This table is a lookup table identifying valid record statuses. This table is part of the Authoritative Streets and Places (ASP) Database. For more information about the database including the data...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
ASP: Unofficial Status (Deprecated)
Land Information New ZealandIn June 2014, LINZ moved the information from the Authoritative Streets and Places database (ASP) into Landonline and the ASP database is no longer maintained. This table is a lookup table identifying valid states for the unofficial field in the street and place tables. Records are set to Unofficial where it is known that the name is not recognised by the...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
ASP: Place (Deprecated)
Land Information New ZealandIn June 2014, LINZ moved the information from the Authoritative Streets and Places database (ASP) into Landonline and the ASP database is no longer maintained. This table contains names that refers to a geographic area, and that can be used in lieu of, or to localise or refine, a street address. A place record will exist for every name that is considered...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
ASP: Map 260 (Deprecated)
Land Information New ZealandIn June 2014, LINZ moved the information from the Authoritative Streets and Places database (ASP) into Landonline and the ASP database is no longer maintained. This table is a lookup table identifying valid NZMS 260 sheet references. This table is part of the Authoritative Streets and Places (ASP) Database. For more information about the database...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
NZ Racetrack Points (Topo, 1:250k) (DEPRECATED)
Land Information New ZealandFrom the October 2014 Topographic Data Release, Topo250 racetrack points have been replaced by racetrack polygons. Topo250 racetrack points are no longer maintained. A course laid out for racing Data Dictionary for racetrack_pnt: http://apps.linz.govt.nz/topo-data-dictionary/index.aspx?page=class-racetrack_pnt This layer is a component of the Topo250 map...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
NZ Cattlestop Points (Topo, 1:50k) (DEPRECATED)
Land Information New ZealandFrom the May 2015 Topographic Data Release, cattle stops have been removed from the Topo50 schema and are no longer maintained. Cattle stops have been a legacy feature for some time. A ditch covered by spaced bars to allow the passage of vehicles and pedestrians, but not cattle etc Data Dictionary for cattlestop_pnt: http://apps.linz.govt.nz/topo-data-...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
ASP: Place Part (Deprecated)
Land Information New ZealandIn June 2014, LINZ moved the information from the Authoritative Streets and Places database (ASP) into Landonline and the ASP database is no longer maintained. This table contains place part records for every electoral subdivision of a place, i.e. for every valid combination of territorial authority, general electoral, & maori electoral districts that...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
Niue Golf Course Polygons (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandAn area set aside for playing golf. Data Dictionary for golf_course_poly: http://apps.linz.govt.nz/topo-data-dictionary/index.aspx?page=class-golf_course_poly This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for New Zealand and it's offshore dependancies, at 1:50,000. Further information on Topo50:...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
NZ Auckland Island Building Points (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandA relatively permanent walled and roofed construction. Data Dictionary for building_pnt: http://apps.linz.govt.nz/topo-data-dictionary/index.aspx?page=class-building_pnt This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland, Chatham and New Zealand's offshore Islands, at...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
NZ Auckland Island Topo 50 Map Sheets
Land Information New ZealandPolygon for each Topo50 map sheet holding extents of each sheet, it's sheet code, name, edition, and revision statement. This is the same information that is printed on each Topo50 map Data Dictionary for linz_map_sheet: http://apps.linz.govt.nz/topo-data-dictionary/index.aspx?page=class-linz_map_sheet This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series....Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
ASP: Name Associations (Deprecated)
Land Information New ZealandIn June 2014, LINZ moved the information from the Authoritative Streets and Places database (ASP) into Landonline and the ASP database is no longer maintained. This table identifies other names for a street or place record by linking to the SUFI of the other name. This allows multiple associations if applicable. Only one record is stored for each...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
ASP: Map 10000 (Deprecated)
Land Information New ZealandIn June 2014, LINZ moved the information from the Authoritative Streets and Places database (ASP) into Landonline and the ASP database is no longer maintained. This table is a lookup table identifying NZ Map Grid 1:10000 sheet references (which are a break down on the NZMG 260 map sheets). This table is part of the Authoritative Streets and Places (ASP)...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
ASP Street SUFI to Landonline Road Name SUFI Mappings
Land Information New ZealandIn June 2014 the Authoritative Streets and Places (ASP) database was decommissioned, and at the same time a new Landonline SUFI was created for each unique road name / locality combination in the Landonline Road Name table. Prior to this change the Landonline Road Name table held the ASP Street SUFI in its Locality field, and a join was made between these...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
ASP: Street Type (Deprecated)
Land Information New ZealandIn June 2014, LINZ moved the information from the Authoritative Streets and Places database (ASP) into Landonline and the ASP database is no longer maintained. This table is used by the application to parse the road name field and warn the editor if it does not contain a valid street type. This table is part of the Authoritative Streets and Places (ASP)...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
NZ Chatham Island Cattlestop Points (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandA ditch covered by spaced bars to allow the passage of vehicles and pedestrians, but not cattle etc Data Dictionary for cattlestop_pnt: http://apps.linz.govt.nz/topo-data-dictionary/index.aspx?page=class-cattlestop_pnt This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland,...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020