ASP: Street Part (Deprecated)

In June 2014, LINZ moved the information from the Authoritative Streets and Places database (ASP) into Landonline and the ASP database is no longer maintained.

A street part record will exist for every electoral subdivision of a road/street, i.e. for every valid combination of territorial authority, general electoral, & maori electoral districts that apply to the road/street name concerned. Some times additional parts may be created for clarity e.g. if the same combination exists for disconnected parts of the same road/street name.

This table is part of the Authoritative Streets and Places (ASP) Database. For more information about the database including the data model see here.


  • This table is recreated each time a new set of electoral boundaries takes effect (every 5 years). Prior to its replacement, a copy of the entire database is made and retained off-line to allow a mini Index to Places & Streets to be produced in the event of a by-election (by-elections are conducted on the same boundaries as the previous General election). The archival copy is deleted once the next General election has been held.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Land Information New Zealand
Maintainer Land Information New Zealand
Maintainer Email Land Information New Zealand
Source Created 2012-08-14T04:02:35.432139Z
Source Modified 2018-04-19T23:52:52.545636Z
Language English
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 2 February 2020, last updated 2 September 2020