In June 2014 the Authoritative Streets and Places (ASP) database was decommissioned, and at the same time a new Landonline SUFI was created for each unique road name / locality combination in the Landonline Road Name table.
Prior to this change the Landonline Road Name table held the ASP Street SUFI in its Locality field, and a join was made between these two tables in order to populate the Landonline Locality field with the ASP locality name prior to release on the LDS.
Following this change the Locality field in the Landonline Road Name table was updated to show the locality name as held in the ASP Street table.
This table shows the mapping between the new Landonline Road Name SUFI and the old ASP Street SUFI.
The Topo50 Road Centrelines data previously included the name_id attribute (equivalent to asp_sufi), which has now been changed to the new rna_sufi attribute (equivalent to landonline_sufi).