In June 2014, LINZ moved the information from the Authoritative Streets and Places database (ASP) into Landonline and the ASP database is no longer maintained.
This table contains names that refers to a geographic area, and that can be used in lieu of, or to localise or refine, a street address.
A place record will exist for every name that is considered to fit this definition, including any alias or alternative names that also fit this definition.
This table is part of the Authoritative Streets and Places (ASP) Database. For more information about the database including the data model see here.
- Some reports generated from ASP require the PLACE_NAME+ LOCALITY+STATUS combination to be unique, so validation rules have been put in place to enforce this.
- The locality names currently used in the PLACES table are not ideal, and are considered a work in progress. The main function of LOCALITY in ASP is to achieve uniqueness, and where 2 places of the same name exist, to be able to differentiate between them.