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  • Census 2006 2013 2018 Tenure by Ethnicity

    Ministry of Housing and Urban Development
    Census Tenure of Household for people in households – ethnicity by 2018 Territorial Authority This is a customised request of tenure data from 2018 Census. The 2006 and 2013 Census data has also been provided, re-based to 2018 Territorial Authority and Auckland Ward boundaries. Note, these figures are for people in households ie, describing all of the...
    Created 15 February 2021 Updated 15 February 2021
  • Household Economic Survey 2018-19 Economic wellbeing, including Māori households

    Ministry of Housing and Urban Development
    Household Economic Survey 2018-19 Economic Wellbeing, including Māori households This information provides a point-in-time snapshot of the experiences of Māori households as reported in the Household Economic Survey for the year ended 30 June 2019. For the purpose of this data request, a ‘Māori household’ was identified as a household where at least one...
    Created 27 March 2020 Updated 20 November 2020
  • Household Economic Survey 2018-19 Warm and Dry, including Māori households

    Ministry of Housing and Urban Development
    Household Economic Survey 2018-19 Warm and Dry, including Māori households This information provides a point-in-time snapshot of the experiences of Māori households as reported in the Household Economic Survey for the year ended 30 June 2019. For the purpose of this data request, a ‘Māori household’ was identified as a household where at least one person...
    Created 17 March 2020 Updated 29 April 2020
  • Household Economic Survey 2017-18 Warm and Dry

    Ministry of Housing and Urban Development
    The 2017-2018 HES responses to the dampness or mould, and heating questions as part of the household material wellbeing index section.
    Created 4 November 2019 Updated 4 November 2019
  • Housing Affordability Measure

    Ministry of Housing and Urban Development
    The HAM is an experimental statistical series that uses several measures to understand housing affordability in New Zealand. Affordability is calculated using data from Stats NZ's Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) to measure income at the household level. There are three main measures of affordability, each of which can be applied to renting and...
    Created 9 October 2019 Updated 9 October 2019