Contaminated Sites
Gisborne District CouncilThrough out the district there are a number of sites which have become contaminated as a result of the manufacture, use, storage and disposal of hazardous substances. Assessment of sites throughout the District which have been associated with hazardous substances has been undertaken. This has resulted in the identification of sites with known levels of...Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Coastal Erosion
Gisborne District CouncilGisborne areas susceptible to coastal erosion, coastal flooding and/or tsunami (ASCE) layer as identified in a 2015 study commissioned by the Gisborne District Council. The Gisborne District coastline extends some 500 km from Takararoa in the south to Omaruparoa in the North and comprises some 138 km of sandy and gravel beaches and 202 km of cliffed...Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Emergency Centres
Gisborne District CouncilTairāwhiti Civil Defence and Emergency management centres throughout the Gisborne district. Includes locations for Civil Defence headquarters, welfare and community centres.Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Cycleways Walkways
Gisborne District CouncilCouncil maintained walkways, mountain-biking and fitness trails. Also other popular walking tracks and cycling trails throught Gisborne district. This dataset references the LINZ walkways dataset.Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Wastewater Utilities
Gisborne District CouncilWastewater assets for the Gisborne district. Includes wastewater mains, laterals and nodes (manholes, valves and pump stations). This data is maintained by Gisborne District Council and updated weekly.Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Electricity Network
Gisborne District CouncilElectricity transmission network for the Gisborne district as identified in the Tairawhiti Resource Management Plan. Includes 50kv and 110 kv lines.Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Gisborne District CouncilGisborne navigation layers as relating to the Navigation and Safety Bylaw 2012. Regional bylaws exist to ensure the safety of all water users and to reduce conflicts between the different water-based activities in an area.Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Cemetery Locations
Gisborne District CouncilLocations of Gisborne District Council operated cemeteries throughout the Gisborne district. Gisborne District Council maintains 12 cemeteries in the Gisborne district. The main cemetery is Taruheru Cemetery in Nelson Road. There are a number of urupa and private cemeteries throughout Gisborne that are not maintained by Gisborne District Council and not...Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Statutory Acknowledgements
Gisborne District CouncilA Statutory Acknowledgement is a formal recognition by the Crown of the mana of tangata whenua over a specified area. It recognises the particular cultural, spiritual, historical and traditional association of an iwi with the site, which is identified as a Statutory Area. Statements of statutory acknowledgements are set out in Treaty of Waitangi...Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Land Areas Susceptible To Liquefaction
Gisborne District CouncilGisborne land areas susceptible to liquefaction as identified in the Tonkin & Taylor Ltd sub-regional assessment of liquefaction vulnerability report in 2015. Gisborne land areas susceptible to liquefaction as identified in the Tonkin & Taylor Ltd sub-regional assessment of liquefaction vulnerability report in 2015.Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Post European Contact
Gisborne District CouncilGisborne district has a wealth of heritage both pre and post European contact. This resource provides an identity unique to the people of the Gisborne district and should be recognized and protected. The management of our heritage implies a duty of care and responsibility to pass it on to future generations with the least possible loss.Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Continuous Street Facade
Gisborne District CouncilA continuous building edge is required along Gladstone Road, Peel Street, Lowe Street between Gladstone Road and Reads Quay and any other areas identified as part of the continuous street facade in the Tairawhiti Resource Management PlanCreated 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Street Address
Gisborne District CouncilFull street addresses for the Gisborne district, including street number and street name. This layer also includes rapid addresses. This data is maintained by Gisborne District Council and updated weekly. The data is then provided to other agencies for distribution e.g. LINZCreated 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
100mm Gisborne City / Waipaoa Contours
Gisborne District Council100mm topographical contours for the Waipaoa floodplain, which includes the Gisborne city urban area. Contours were derived from LIDAR captured in 2005 by AAMHatch Ltd.Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Bus Stops
Gisborne District CouncilBus routes and bus stop locations throughout Gisborne City. Our GIzzyBus service operates Monday to Friday 7.10am - 5.40pm with no weekend or public holiday service. We have 2 buses operating to and from the city centre in Bright Street to the outer suburbs on a 45 minute rotation. No service is provided for rural or coastal townships.Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Bus Routes and Stops
Gisborne District CouncilBus routes and bus stop locations throughout Gisborne City. Our GIzzyBus service operates Monday to Friday 7.10am - 5.40pm with no weekend or public holiday service. We have 2 buses operating to and from the city centre in Bright Street to the outer suburbs on a 45 minute rotation. No service is provided for rural or coastal townships.Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Dog Control Areas
Gisborne District CouncilDog control areas for the Gisborne district as prescribed in the Gisborne District Council Dog Control Bylaw 2010. Includes exercise, on-leash, off-leash and prohibited areas.Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Rural Drains
Gisborne District CouncilCouncil owns and maintains a network of pipes and drains that form various stormwater drainage systems throughout our district. There are also many kilometers of open drains, creeks and streams on private property that the landowner is responsible to maintain.The drains Council owns and maintains are referred to as public drains.Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Heritage Reserves
Gisborne District CouncilThere are over 45 high profile recreational reserves in the Gisborne region, with the majority in Gisborne city. There are 44 playgrounds, 101 garden areas covering 8400 square metres and 6583 metres of paths and tracks. The parks and open spaces network includes public parks and reserves, sports grounds, cycle and walkways, coastal foreshore and beaches.Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Recreation Reserves
Gisborne District CouncilThere are over 45 high profile recreational reserves in the Gisborne region, with the majority in Gisborne city. There are 44 playgrounds, 101 garden areas covering 8400 square metres and 6583 metres of paths and tracks. The parks and open spaces network includes public parks and reserves, sports grounds, cycle and walkways, coastal foreshore and beaches.Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020