100mm Gisborne City / Waipaoa Contours

100mm topographical contours for the Waipaoa floodplain, which includes the Gisborne city urban area. Contours were derived from LIDAR captured in 2005 by AAMHatch Ltd.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Maintainer GisborneDistrictCouncil
Source http://geoportal-gizzy.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/8238b89cbe59435d907c26190f15615f
Source Created 2017-01-17T02:15:01.000Z
Source Modified 2019-09-18T21:26:08.000Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[177.9213, -38.7151], [178.11, -38.7151], [178.11, -38.6258], [177.9213, -38.6258], [177.9213, -38.7151]]]}
Source Identifier http://geoportal-gizzy.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/8238b89cbe59435d907c26190f15615f
Dataset metadata created 9 December 2019, last updated 3 March 2020