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Groups: Resilience Support Data

  • 2018 Census Individual (part 1) total New Zealand by Statistical Area 1

    Stats NZ
    This individual (part 1) dataset is displayed by statistical area 1 geography and contains information on: • Census usually resident population count • Census night population count • Unit record data source • Sex • Age in five-year groups, including median age • Age in broad groups • Age in five-year groups by sex, including median age • Years at usual...
    Created 10 June 2020 Updated 3 March 2025
  • NZ Street Address

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read:This dataset provides all allocated addresses as advised to LINZ by Territorial Authorities (TAs). Under the Local Government Act 1974 (section 319) it is the responsibility of the TAs to advise LINZ (the Surveyor General) of all allocated addresses in their district. See below for details. This dataset contains the core components of an...
    Created 2 February 2020 Updated 15 November 2023
  • NZ Chatham Islands Topo250 Gridless Maps

    Land Information New Zealand
    The Topo250 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland, the Chatham Islands at 1:250,000 scale. Along with the paper-based Topo250 map series, digital images of the maps are also publicly available. Georeferenced raster digital images are provided at a resolution of 300 DPI. Georeferencing allows adjacent maps to be accurately...
    Created 2 February 2020 Updated 2 September 2020
  • NZ Chatham Is Topo50 Gridless Maps

    Land Information New Zealand
    The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland, the Chatham Islands, and offshore islands at 1:50,000 scale. Along with the paper-based Topo50 map series, digital images of the maps are also publicly available. Georeferenced raster digital images are provided at a resolution of 300 DPI. Georeferencing allows adjacent maps...
    Created 2 February 2020 Updated 2 September 2020
  • NZ Topo250 Gridless Maps

    Land Information New Zealand
    The Topo250 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland, the Chatham Islands at 1:250,000 scale. Along with the paper-based Topo250 map series, digital images of the maps are also publicly available. Georeferenced raster digital images are provided at a resolution of 300 DPI. Georeferencing allows adjacent maps to be accurately...
    Created 2 February 2020 Updated 2 September 2020
  • NZ Imagery Survey Index

    Land Information New Zealand
    The NZ Imagery Survey Index dataset provides an index to all orthophoto index tiles found on the LINZ Data Service. Each record in the dataset provides both a geometry of the maximum extent of the orthophoto index, as well as all attributes found in each index tile. This dataset therefore provides information to assess orthophoto coverage and metadata...
    Created 2 February 2020 Updated 2 September 2020
  • NZ Elevation Survey Index

    Land Information New Zealand
    The NZ Elevation Survey Index dataset provides an index to all LiDAR derived elevation datasets found on the LINZ Data Service. Each record in the dataset provides both a geometry of the extent of the elevation survey, as well as useful metadata attributes. The extents are derived from the maximum extent of DEM and DSM coverage and consist of full...
    Created 2 February 2020 Updated 2 September 2020
  • NZ Topo50 Gridless Maps

    Land Information New Zealand
    The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland, the Chatham Islands, and offshore islands at 1:50,000 scale. Along with the paper-based Topo50 map series, digital images of the maps are also publicly available. Georeferenced raster digital images are provided at a resolution of 300 DPI. Georeferencing allows adjacent maps...
    Created 2 February 2020 Updated 2 September 2020
  • NZ Coastlines and Islands Polygons (Topo 1:50k)

    Land Information New Zealand
    This provides a polygon coastline and islands layer which is based on the Topo50 products. It is a combination of the following layers: NZ Coastlines (Topo 1:50k) NZ Island Polygons (Topo 1:50k) NZ Auckland Is Island Polygons (Topo, 1:50k) NZ Campbell Is / Motu Ihupuku Island Polygons (Topo, 1:50k) NZ Antipodes Is Island Polygons (Topo, 1:25k) NZ Kermadec...
    Created 2 February 2020 Updated 2 September 2020
  • NZ Building Outlines

    Land Information New Zealand
    This dataset provides current outlines of buildings within mainland New Zealand captured from the latest aerial imagery. A building outline is a 2D representation of the roof outline of a building which has been classified from LINZ aerial imagery using a combination of automated and manual processes to extract and refine a building roof outline. Building...
    Created 2 February 2020 Updated 2 September 2020
  • NZ Primary Parcels

    Land Information New Zealand
    This layer provides the current primary parcel polygons and some associated descriptive data that details the appellation (legal description), purpose, size and a list of titles that have an interest in the parcel. A primary parcel is a portion of land that is intended to be : • owned by the Crown, except moveable marginal strips • Held in fee simple...
    Created 2 February 2020 Updated 2 September 2020