Zone data from operative District Plan (2016) - Rotorua Lakes Council.Water 1 includes streams wider than 3m. Lakes include the following Te Arawa settlement - Lakes Rotoehu, Rotoma, Rotoiti, Rotorua, Okataina, Okareka, Rerewhakaaitu, Tarawera, Rotomahana, Tikitapu, Ngahewa, Tutaeinanga, Ngapouri and Okaro. In addition Onewhero Lagoon, The Crater, Whakarewarewa Lagoon, Lake Rotokawau, Lake Rotokawa. Any Lakes which were zoned rural in Black Plan remain rural even if they are over 8 ha for example Mamaku Lagoon. Hard Castle and Rawhiti Lagoons are excluded because they are covered by a SNA.Water 1 boundaries are the physical boundaries and were captured from February 2001 imagery at +/- 2m.