Waikato Regional Plan Geothermal System - Large

Large geothermal systems are mapped to show where the geothermal rules apply. The Geothermal System boundaries were digitised from lines drawn on hard-copy maps by WRC Geothermal Scientist Katherine Luketina and GNS Scientist George Risk. The dataset is based on information from GNS scientists, and WRC Scientists, monitoring staff, and contractors.The positional accuracy of geothermal system boundaries is dependent in part on the accuracy of resistivity contour maps produced by IGNS which formed that basis for the derivation of the maps.For further metadata please see feature WRP_GEOTHERMAL_SYSTEM in dataset Waikato Regional Plan Geothermal System

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Author Waikato Regional Council
Maintainer WaikatoRegionalCouncil
Maintainer Email WaikatoRegionalCouncil
Source https://data-waikatolass.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/waikatoregion::waikato-regional-plan-geothermal-system-large
Source Created 2023-05-22T23:46:19.000Z
Source Modified 2023-05-25T21:59:28.904Z
Language English
Spatial { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [175.6279, -39.1516], [176.4662, -39.1516], [176.4662, -38.2274], [175.6279, -38.2274], [175.6279, -39.1516] ] ] }
Source Identifier https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=29ec316839ab4394b79fc28bf825406d&sublayer=0
Dataset metadata created 31 January 2024, last updated 3 March 2025