Purpose: This data has been published to support the Waikato Regional Hazards Portal. This data is part of the River Flooding theme.Statement: This line data shows the locations of all cross sections for waterways in the Waikato Region, that have been surveyed by Waikato Regional Council. Many of these cross sections have associated flood modelling, and therefore flood levels (with various limitations). This data set is therefore intended to provide an indication of which waterways may contain flood modelling. Attribute information includes unique ID numbers, used to identify cross sections.For further enquires or flood level information, please contact the Regional Resilience team - Contact us | Waikato Regional Council WRC Metadata: For full metadata see HAZARD.sdeadmin.HAZ_CROSS_SEC_ALL_WAIKATO - HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal - GIS LayersTerms of Use: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.Should users wish to distribute or publish derivatives or modified versions of this data then they must seek a data use agreement through WRC first.See the Waikato Regional Hazards Portal Terms of use here Waikato Regional Hazards Portal - Terms of use | Waikato Regional Council.