Stormwater Catchpit Lead - Hamilton City Council

If you wish to download and consume this entire dataset - click on the link for the file format(s) of your choosing: FGDB/File Geodatabase Shapefile Excel CAD (DWG) Please note that the links above may change at any time. For best practice, please refer to this page for the correct links.   If any of the links are above are not functioning, please let us know at This Stormwater dataset contains the following layers: Stormwater Abandoned Main (A stormwater main that is still in the ground, but is now disused and no longer forms part of the active network) Stormwater Abandoned Manhole (An opening in a pipe for the purpose of allowing operators or equipment access to the inside of the pipe that is still in the ground but is now disused and no longer forms part of the active network) Stormwater Asbuilts (Plans showing the location and alignment of basic stormwater infrastructure as it was actually constructed on site, as provided by the contractor or their representatives.  Data has not yet been fully incorporated into the Council GIS or asset management system) Stormwater Attenuation and Treatment Device (A device used to provide temporary storage and the controlled release of storm water volumes. Located upstream of the receiving environment, devices such as wetlands and ponds may also incorporate a storm water treatment function) Stormwater Catchpit (A device that collects stormwater run-off from the road and transports it along the network) Stormwater Catchpit Lead (A pipe that transports stormwater run-off from catchpits and connects into the stormwater network) Stormwater Channel (An open drain, natural watercourse (such as a stream) or lined channel that collects stormwater run-off from the environment or network) Stormwater Inlet (A structure where stormwater enters either a pipe, pond, culvert or channel) Stormwater Main (A pipe that transports stormwater to a natural watercourse or body of water) Stormwater Manhole (An opening in a pipe for the purpose of allowing operators or equipment access to the inside of the pipe) Stormwater Node (A junction point in a pipe. It can be a structure) Stormwater Outlet (A structure at the end of a pipe or channel that controls the flow of stormwater to a natural watercourse or body of water)Stormwater Service Line (A gravity flow pipeline connecting a building’s direct runoff collection system to a stormwater pipe or a kerb (in the case of kerb and channel connections)) Stormwater Soakage Trench (A subsurface structure into which runoff is conveyed for disposal by infiltration) Stormwater Subsoil Drain (A perforated drain used to collect ground water and transport it to a land drainage or stormwater drainage system)  Hamilton City Council 3 Waters data is derived from the Council’s GIS (ArcGIS) dataset. The GIS dataset is synchronised with asset data contained in the Council’s Asset Management (IPS) database. A subset of the GIS dataset has been made available for download. This GIS dataset is currently updated weekly which in turn dynamically updates to the WLASS open data site. Any questions pertaining to this data should be directed to the City Waters Asset Information Team at Hamilton City Council does not make any representation or give any warranty as to the accuracy or exhaustiveness of the data released for public download. Levels, locations and dimensions of works depicted in the data may not be accurate due to circumstances not notified to Council. A physical check should be made on all levels, locations and dimensions before starting design or works. Hamilton City Council shall not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense (whether direct or indirect) arising from reliance upon or use of any data provided, or Council's failure to provide this data. While you are free to crop, export and re-purpose the data, we ask that you attribute the Hamilton City Council and clearly state that your work is a derivative and not the authoritative data source. Please include the following statement when distributing any work derived from this data: ‘This work is derived entirely or in part from Hamilton City Council data; the provided information may be updated at any time, and may at times be out of date, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.    

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Maintainer HamiltonCityCouncil
Source Created 2019-10-22T20:54:02.000Z
Source Modified 2020-03-18T21:16:43.000Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[175.2126, -37.8399], [175.3315, -37.8399], [175.3315, -37.707], [175.2126, -37.707], [175.2126, -37.8399]]]}
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 10 June 2020, last updated 21 June 2020