Description of pedestrian counters in Hamilton City
Column_InfoCounter_Id, int : Unique identifier of the counterName, varchar : Textual description of the counter location and directionDescription, varchar : Textual description of the counter location and directionInterval, int : Smallest time interval in minutes that the count is recorded inLatitude, decimal : North-south geographic coordinatesLongitude, decimal : East-west geographic coordinatesSource_System, varchar : Source system that the count was originally recorded inIs_Active, bit : Counter is currently recording count dataInstallation_Date, datetime : Date that the counter was installedSite_Id, int : Unique identifier of the counting siteSite_Name, varchar : Textual description of the counting site
This table is referenced by Pedestrian_Count
For convenience Hamilton City Council has also built a Quick Analytics Dashboard over this dataset that you can access here.
Hamilton City Council does not make any representation or give any warranty as to the accuracy or exhaustiveness of the data released for public download. Levels, locations and dimensions of works depicted in the data may not be accurate due to circumstances not notified to Council. A physical check should be made on all levels, locations and dimensions before starting design or works.
Hamilton City Council shall not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense (whether direct or indirect) arising from reliance upon or use of any data provided, or Council's failure to provide this data.
While you are free to crop, export and re-purpose the data, we ask that you attribute the Hamilton City Council and clearly state that your work is a derivative and not the authoritative data source. Please include the following statement when distributing any work derived from this data:
‘This work is derived entirely or in part from Hamilton City Council data; the provided information may be updated at any time, and may at times be out of date, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.'