Tree water uptake in a tropical plantation varying in tree diversity: interspecific differences, seasonal shifts and complementarity

The data set also includes 18O and 2H values of rainfall and piezometer samples. This data set contains the soil and xylem water 18O and 2H values underlying the article "Tree water uptake in a tropical plantation varying in tree diversity: interspecific differences, seasonal shifts and complementarity" which was published in Ecohydrology in 2015 (DOI: 10.1002/eco.1479).Schwendenmann, L., E. Pendall, R. Sanchez-Bragado, N. Kunert & D. Hölscher, 2015. Soil water uptake in a tropical tree plantation varying in diversity: interspecific differences, seasonal shifts and complementarity. Ecohydrology 8, 1-12.The water uptake depth of five tree species was investigated across seasons and diversity levels using the naturalabundance of water isotopes. The study was conducted in an experimental tree plantation located close to the village of Sardinilla, Central Panama (9°19′30″N, 79°38′00″W; 70ma.s.l.). Samples were collected between March 2007 and July 2008.


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Additional Info

Field Value
Author Luitgard Schwendenmann (1203552)
Source Created 2016-08-04T09:05:15Z
Source Modified 2016-08-04T09:05:15
Language English
Source Identifier 10.17608/k6.auckland.3511122.v1
Dataset metadata created 1 August 2019, last updated 28 March 2025