This catalogue is a collection of uniquely identified long-finned pilot whale dorsal fin photos from the east coast of Aotearoa/New Zealand between 2003-2019. Where possible there is a right and left side image of each dorsal fin.
The photograph codes are as follows:
NZ = New Zealand
Gme = Globicephala melas (species name)
XXX = unique number for each whale
R/L = right / left (side of the whale)
All work was undertaken by researchers from the Far Out Research Collective ( in collaboration with the University of Auckland-Waipapa Taumata Rau. The research was conducted under a Department of Conservation permit with approval from mana whenua (Indigenous people from the study areas). The catalogue is curated by Catherine Meyer, University of Auckland ( and Jochen Zaeschmar. Please contact Catherine if you have any queries.