Dataset I_All teaching staff survey of opportunities to strengthen online teaching capabilities._v1 01-06-2023.csv

Dataset I: We designed the all-teaching staff survey (dataset I, also see ESM B) to capture a holistic view of the teaching staff's perceptions of all the Faculty Development (FD) available and how they have applied any knowledge or skills acquired from them. Members of the research team completed the survey and refined it. We emailed an online survey to the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences (FMHS), University of Auckland teaching community, comprising approximately 460 staff members. We included the invitation to an interview by a link at the end of the survey. Following face validity, we undertook pilot testing of dataset I (all-teaching staff survey) with the first five survey responses, minor changes were made and the recruiting continued. As this is a descriptive study, we did not undertake further validity and reliability testing of the dataset I survey.This is underlying data associated with the article 'Faculty development for strengthening online teaching capability: being responsive to what staff want, evaluated with Kirkpatrick’s model of teaching effectiveness' which has been published in MedEdPublish 2023, 13:127 (


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Field Value
Author Rachelle Singleton (1212048), Daniela Ruiz Cosignani (8585808), Monica Kam (1205844), Megan Clune (4075945), Amanda Charlton (1181139), Tanisha Jowsey (1218606)
Source Created 2023-06-02T21:36:26Z
Source Modified 2023-06-02T21:36:26
Language English
Source Identifier 10.17608/k6.auckland.23272352.v1
Dataset metadata created 3 June 2023, last updated 28 March 2025