ISSP2001: Social Networks II

The eleventh of 20 years of International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) surveys in New Zealand by Professor Philip Gendall, Department of Marketing, Massey University.A verbose rundown on topics covered follows.Social relations and social networks. Number of adult brothers and sisters; frequency of personal (visits, meetings) and non-personal contacts (telephone, letter, fax or email) with the parents, brothers and sisters and own children; time for the journey to where the mother lives, frequency of the contacts to relatives (uncles and aunts, cousins, parents-in-law, brothers-in-law or sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews, godparents); number of close friends at work place, in the neighbourhood, and in general; sex of best close friend; frequency of contact to the best friend; participation in activities of groups like sports club, charitable organisation, neighbourhood, political party, an association, and a church or religious organisation.First and second contact person for support in respondent's household, at money problems and in case of a depression; frequency of helping others in household, by loaning money, by talking to depressed persons and in giving help at job search; information source at the search for the present job; importance of character traits of close friends: Intelligence, helpfulness, understanding and enjoyable company (scale); attitude to the moral obligation of adult children to care for their parents; people who are better off should help friends who are less well off; attitude to development of friendships to once own advantage; attitude to a state responsibility to provide the childcare and an adequate standard of living for old people; personal luck assessment; feeling of being overused by family, relatives or friends; trust in neighbours (scale); duration of living at the place of residence; political efficacy; frequency of political discussions with friends.Demography: Country; number of children less than 18 years and over 18 years; sex; age; marital status; steady life-partner; education: years in school; employment status of the person asked and his partner (ISCO88); supervisor status; self-employed and number of employees; hours worked weekly; religious denomination; church attendance; self-assessment of social class; union membership; political self-assessment on a left-right continuum; household size; household composition; urban or rural area. Additionally coded: interview method.



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Field Value
Author Philip Gendall (1229910)
Source Created 2015-06-19T02:46:45Z
Source Modified 2015-06-19T02:46:45
Language English
Source Identifier 10.17608/k6.auckland.2000943.v3
Dataset metadata created 1 August 2019, last updated 28 March 2025