ISSP1995: National Identity I

The fifth of 20 years of International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) surveys within New Zealand by Professor Philip Gendall, Department of Marketing, Massey University.A verbose rundown on topics covered follows.Questions on national consciousness and national identity. Solidarity with the part of town, the city, the region, the nation and with the respective continent as well as readiness to leave these regions to improve work or housing situation.Importance of national unity; most important characteristics for national identity; identification with one’s own nation (scale); national pride; perceived pride in the democracy of the country, the political influence of the country in the world, the economic successes, the welfare-state services, the scientific achievements, the athletic successes, the achievements in art or literature, the military forces, the history and equal rights of all social groups in the country; preference for protective duty to support the national economy.Attitude to the right of international institutions to enforce solutions to be accepted nationally; attitude to improved foreign language instruction in schools; attitude to enforcing national interests regarding other countries; rejection of acquisition of land by foreigners in one’s country; preference for national films and national television stations; attitude to government support of national minorities to preserve their customs and habits; preference for assimilation of minorities or retention of their identity.Hostility to foreigners and prejudices against immigrants (scale); attitude to a reduction of immigration of foreigners; attitude to the right to asylum for politically persecuted refugees; origins from a rural or urban region; length of residence at current place of residence; length of stays abroad; native language; knowledge of foreign languages; citizenship; citizenship of parents at birth of respondent; citizenship of ancestors; perceived national affiliation and strength of this feeling of solidarity; attitude to stricter measures regarding illegal immigrants; city size; superior function; union membership; self-assessment of social class; religiousness; party preference.



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Field Value
Author Philip Gendall (1229910)
Source Created 2015-06-18T23:35:37Z
Source Modified 2015-06-18T23:35:37
Language English
Source Identifier 10.17608/k6.auckland.2000922.v4
Dataset metadata created 1 August 2019, last updated 28 March 2025