The third of 20 years of International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) surveys within New Zealand by Professor Philip Gendall, Department of Marketing, Massey University.A verbose rundown on topics covered follows.Attitudes towards environmental protection. Preferred government measures for environmental protection. Obedience or self-determination as most important education goal; private entrepreneurs as best possibility to solve economic problems; responsibility of the government to reduce income differences among the citizens; postmaterialism index; perceived belief in science of the population; attitude to modern science (scale); expected solution of environmental protection problems through science; too many concerns for the future of the environment in comparison to prices and provision of jobs; environmental destruction and modern life; equal rights for animals and people.Respect for nature as creation of God; belief in God; exaggerated environmental sensitivity; judgement on the contrast of environmental protection and economic growth; attitude to animal experiments in pharmacology; nature as struggle for survival; economic growth endangers the environment; readiness for higher prices or higher taxes or to accept reductions in standard of living for the benefit of protection of the environment; personal difficulties in participation in environmental protection; self-classification of participation in environmental protection.Knowledge about manner of functioning of antibiotics as destructive agent for bacteria or virus; belief in astrology; understanding the theory of evolution; artificially produced chemicals as cause for cancer; humans as party responsible for radioactivity; knowledge of the danger of death from radioactivity; knowledge about the dangers of radioactive waste from nuclear power plants; knowledge about the cause for the greenhouse effect; pesticides and chemicals in the production of food as causes for cancer; humans as cause for extinction of animals and plants; cars and air pollution; expected increase of illnesses in large cities as result of air pollution.Classification of nuclear power plants, air pollution from industrial waste gases, pesticides and chemicals in agriculture, water pollution and warming of the atmosphere through the greenhouse effect as dangerous for the environment on the one hand as well as for the respondent and his family on the other; preference for regulation of environmental problems by the government, the population or the economy; personal participation in recycling; purchase of untreated fruits; frequency of doing without meat for moral and environmental reasons; frequency of not using the car for environmental reasons. Membership in an environmental protection organisation; personal environmental political activities through participation in signature lists, donations as well as participation in demonstrations; social origins; employment in the public sector; time worked each week; span of control; company size; personal unemployment in the last few years and length of this unemployment; religiousness; self-assessment of social class; union membership; party preference; party inclination; housing situation and residential status; in some countries: ethnic affiliation of respondent.