Platypus PacBio assembly

Files containing PacBio reads selected by BLAST to generate assembly of a complete rDNA (Platypus_rDNA_assembly_reads.fasta.gz), annotated assembly contig (Platypus_sequence_selection_assembly_annotated_contig_3.geneious), annotated complete assembly (Platypus_complete_rDNA_Sequence_Selection_Assembly.geneious) and partial units (Platypus_Sequence_assembly_partial_sequences.geneious).Alignment of the complete contig rDNA unit to a reference gene (GL000220; see Agrawal & Ganley, 2018): (align_platypus_complete_rDNA_unit_seqsel_assembly_with_ref.geneious)Alignment of the complete rDNA unit to a reference gene (Floutsokou et al 2013): (align_platypus_complete_rDNA_unit_seqsel_assembly_with_ref.geneious)Alignment of the partial (28S) rDNA unit to complete rDNA unit from the assembly:(Platypus_partial_rDNA_unit_aligned_with_full_rDNA_unit. genious)Alignments of probable rRNA genes to assembled rRNA genes (alignments_of_probable_platrDNA_with_plat_seqsel_assembly_genes.geneious).Probable 18S rRNA: GenBank accession AJ311679.1Probable 5.8S rRNA: GenBank accession XR_003764684


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Additional Info

Field Value
Author Emma Macdonald (9141500)
Source Created 2021-04-27T08:15:55Z
Source Modified 2021-04-27T08:15:55
Language English
Source Identifier 10.17608/k6.auckland.14489496.v2
Dataset metadata created 1 May 2021, last updated 24 March 2025