S. cerevisiae 0.6X Coverage Assembly and rDNA Sequence-Selection Assembly Files

Files containing reads selected at random from a Pacbio dataset (NCBI accession PRJEB7245) for a 0.6X Coverage assembly to generate a complete rDNA (S288C_0.66X_assembly_reads.fasta.gz), annotated assembly contig (annotated_rDNA_0.66X_assembly_contig4.geneious), lignment of the complete contig rDNA unit to a reference (U53879.1; RDN37; Chr XII, 2217.. 31308) rDNA unit (Alignment_of_0.6XCoverage_288C_assembly_with_reference).Files containing reads selected by BLAST from a Pacbio dataset (NCBI accession PRJEB7245) to generate assembly of a complete rDNA (S288C_Sequence_Selection_assembly_reads.fasta.gz), annotated assembly contig (S288C_Sequence_Selection_assembly_method_contig1.gb), annotated individual rDNA units (S288C_seqsel_individual_rDNA_units.gb)and alignment of the individual assembled rDNA units to a reference (U53879.1; RDN37; Chr XII, 2217.. 31308) rDNA unit (Alignment_of_SeqSel_units_with_ref.geneious).Alignments to a reference rDNA unit (isolated from a BAC clone NCBI accession U53879.1, isolation and annotations generated by Floutsakou 2013) are available for both assemblies.


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Field Value
Author Emma Macdonald (9141500)
Source https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/S_cerevisiae_0_6X_Coverage_Assembly_and_rDNA_Sequence-Selection_Assembly_Files/14478315
Source Created 2021-04-27T08:14:10Z
Source Modified 2021-04-27T08:14:10
Language English
Source Identifier 10.17608/k6.auckland.14478315.v1
Dataset metadata created 1 May 2021, last updated 28 March 2025