Metagenomic data (ECOBABe trial)

The ECOBABe Trial was a single-blinded randomised placebo-controlled pilot trial that assessed whether oral administration of maternal vaginal microbes could restore gut microbiome development in infants born by caesarean section (CS). The trial recruited 25 women having an elective CS and randomised their neonates 1:1 to receive a 3 ml solution of maternal vaginal microbes (CS-seeded, n=12) or sterile water (CS-placebo, n=13). A group of vaginally born infants served as a reference control (VB, n=22). Shotgun metagenomics was performed on a total of 116 samples. This included 45 infant stool samples collected at 1 month of age, 46 infant stool samples collected at 3 months of age, and 25 maternal vaginal samples (from CS mothers).This dataset contains:1. Sample metadata2. KneadData read count table3. MetaPhlAn2 relative abundance taxonomy table4. HUMAnN2 gene families table (normalised to CPM)5. HUMAnN2 pathways abundance table (normalised to CPM)6. StrainPhlAn FASTA files (SNP haplotypes)


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Additional Info

Field Value
Author Brooke Wilson (5033066)
Source Created 2021-06-15T05:06:59Z
Source Modified 2021-06-15T05:06:59
Language English
Source Identifier 10.17608/k6.auckland.14390939.v1
Dataset metadata created 1 July 2021, last updated 24 March 2025