Probing the role of propagule pressure, stochasticity, and Allee effects on invasion success using experimental introductions of a biological control agent

To study the role of population size and how it relatesto the Allee effect in the early stage of establishment, the leaf beetle Neolema ogloblini (Chrysomelidae) a biocontrol agent released against Tradescantia fluminensis (Commelinaceae) in New Zealand, was used as a model species. By manipulating initial population size over replicated releases, we examined how population size influences: (i) the probability of establishment and (ii) the per capita population growth of established populations.


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Author Hester Williams (9591785), Eckehard Brockerhoff (9591788), Andrew Liebhold (9591791), Darren Ward (1190385)
Source Created 2020-11-02T17:50:09Z
Source Modified 2020-11-02T17:50:09
Language English
Source Identifier 10.17608/k6.auckland.12609581.v2
Dataset metadata created 1 December 2020, last updated 28 March 2025