Kiwis Count survey

The State Services Commission (SSC) runs a nationwide survey asking New Zealanders about their experiences using public services, how they have been treated when using those services and how they rate the quality of the services they have used. Results from individual services are then aggregated up to give overall scores of service quality and trust in public services. SSC has run the Kiwis Count survey since 2007. The information gathered helps government agencies to improve the services they provide. Annual results are shared with the public and interim (half-yearly) results are given to agencies to help identify services where issues may be developing and remedial action might need to be taken.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme State sector performance
Author State Services Commission
Maintainer Email
Update frequency Annual
Source Created 2014-08-13
Source Modified 2020-07-15
Language English
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 10 April 2017, last updated 15 July 2020