Government digital standards catalogue

A new GEANZ Standards and Guidance Catalogue Dataset has replaced this dataset in October 2023.

The government digital standards catalogue (GDSC) contains standards & guidance that could, should, or must be used by NZ government organisations' to support interoperability, digital services, and digital transformation for government common business capabilities. Sectors and agencies may have additional standards and guidelines that apply.

Successful digital outcomes are dependent on more than just technology, so the catalogue includes categories across a broad range of subjects that directly relate to digital.

The catalogue here is the June 2023 version and supersedes the November 2022 version.

A master version of the catalogue is available upon email request to Please put 'Attention ASI team' in the header. The Government Digital Standards Catalogue Master contains additional entries that we do not publish as there is no authorising or supporting NZ government organisation.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme Government digital standards and guidance
Author Jim Clendon
Maintainer Jim Clendon
Maintainer Email Jim Clendon
Maintainer Phone 0274527463
Update frequency Irregular
Source Created 2021-05-06
Source Modified 2023-06-27
Language English
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 6 May 2021, last updated 17 October 2023