For CSV and Excel extracts, the Ecosystem Extent Domains document will assist in resolving domains. The ecosystem classification used to map potential ecosystems of Auckland was developed by the Department of Conservation, as a tool for prioritizing ecosystem management (Singers & Rogers 2014). This classification is a synthesis that amalgamates previous classifications and ecological studies aligned to an abiotic framework. It describes a full range of ecosystem types at a variety of scales in an approximation of the natural or potential state as they would have been observed if people arrived today in New Zealand. For full details on the methodology used, see Singers (2014) A potential Ecosystem Map of Auckland.The Ecosystem Potential Extent layer was created by contractors Nick Singers and Colin Lawrence. The ecosystem classification system used in creating this layer was developed by the Department of Conservation (Singers & Rogers 2014) and refined by Nick Singers to match the specific nature of ecosystems found within the Auckland Region. The potential extent of Auckland’s original ecosystems has been modelled on historic vegetation spatial datasets (LENZ and NHF Pre-people) and categories were directly matched where possible. For ecosystem types where direct matching was not possible, climate, geography, geology and soil characteristics were used as determinants. For ecosystem types where environmental parameters are less specific, current-extent maps were used, and the associated geographical, geological and soil drivers for the sites mapped as a particular ecosystem type were used to extrapolate across the landscape. Historic mapping was cross-referenced with written accounts of original vegetation cover in the Department of Conservation’s Protected Natural Area Programme reports and other ecological district-wide survey reports. Historic mapping compiled for Awhitu and Manukau ecological districts by Landcare in 2000 was also used. For full details on the methodology used, see Singers (2014) A potential Ecosystem Map of Auckland. The layer was updated in July 2015 to reflect updated source information for MF25 on Little Barrier Island and MF24 in the Hunua Ranges.