Waikato District Council - Proposed District Plan (Stage 2 Natural Hazards), Notified 27 July 2020.
This layer is a spatial representation of an overlay in the Proposed District Plan and indicates where land use will be regulated by various associated rules. It will be used as a guide in the regulatory process of implementing the Proposed District Plan and managing land use, subdivision, the environment and economy. This dataset is subject to changes undertaken through the Resource Management act. Note individual Proposed Plan rules can have different statuses, some may have current legal effect and others will not until the Proposed Plan becomes operative. This data is provided for use in the District Plan only. High Flood Risk Areas are identified as areas within the Flood Plain Management Area where the depth of flood water in a 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) flood event exceeds 1 meter and the speed of flood water exceeds 2 meters per second. This belongs to the series of data relating to Natural Hazards which includes the following groups - coastal erosion, coastal inundation, inland flooding, and land subsidence. This layer belongs to the inland flooding group. Use in conjunction with Flood Plain Management Area, Flood Ponding Area, and Defended Area.