Information about dog complaints received including when, where, type of complaint and outcome.
Column_InfoDog_Complaint_Number, int : CRM numberDog_Complaint_Year, smallint : YearUrgency_Code, char : Urgency codeUrgency_Description, char : Urgency descriptionCurrent_Status_ID, int : Current statusCurrent_Status_Code, char : Status codeCurrent_Status_Description, char : Status descriptionCurrent_Status_Open_Date, datetime : Open dateCurrent_Status_Closed_Date, datetime : Closed dateMajor_Category_Code, char : Major category codeMajor_Category_Description, varchar : Major category descriptionMinor_Category_Code, char : Minor category codeMinor_Category_Description, varchar : Minor catgory descriptionCategory_3_Code, char : Category 3 codeCategory_3_Description, varchar : Category 3 descriptionCategory_4_Code, char : Category 4 codeCategory_4_Description, varchar : Category 4 descriptionIncident_Date_Time, datetime : Incident date and timeReported_Date, datetime : Reported dateContact_Method, char : Contact methodContact_Date_Time, datetime : Contact date and timeDecision_Code, char : Decision codeDecision_Code_Description, char : Decision descriptionDecision_Date_Time, datetime : Decision date and timeExcess_Dog_Account, char : Excess dog permit
This table is referenced by Dog_Complaint_To_DogThis table is referenced by Dog_Complaint_To_Dog_InfringementThis table is referenced by Dog_Impounding_To_Dog_ComplaintThis table is referenced by Owner_Classification_Event_To_Dog_ComplaintThis table reference to table Excess_Dog_Register
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Hamilton City Council does not make any representation or give any warranty as to the accuracy or exhaustiveness of the data released for public download. Levels, locations and dimensions of works depicted in the data may not be accurate due to circumstances not notified to Council. A physical check should be made on all levels, locations and dimensions before starting design or works.
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‘This work is derived entirely or in part from Hamilton City Council data; the provided information may be updated at any time, and may at times be out of date, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.'