The biodiversity inventory is a vegetation data layer using the ecological classification described by Singers and Rogers for the Waikato Region. This data layer is for the Waikato River corridor and specifically undertaken for LINZ. LINZ 2021 River Corridor imagery was used for the validation, in addition to 2016/2017/2018 Biospatial oblique imagery where that 2021 imagery didn’t provide full coverage. We also utilised other data sources in our validations including WRAPS 2017, Google Maps Street and River View imagery, existing SNA data, LCR 2020 wetland validation data, and 2007 estuarine vegetation data .This data layer used a range of baseline data layers to be merged together, and now is in a detailed process of validation by ecologists at Waikato Regional Council. This layer will be refined and validated further with the end result being a comprehensive ecological classification for the whole of the Waikato Region.The dataset was derived using a range of underlying base layers including, a merge Singers and Rogers potential ecosystems for the Waikato Region, Biovegetation 2012, and also a data layer supplied by John Leathwick of updated vegetation sites which he had checked. The region wide Biodiversity Inventory data set is currently going through a process of detailed validation work carried out by various ecological consultants at Waikato Regional Council. As at 2022 the regional wide Biodiversity Inventory dataset is undergoing further validation as funding and resources allow.Reference Singers and Rogers ecological ClassificationAttribute fields to refer to are [Current_Veg_Ecosystem_Type], [Current_Veg_Validation], and [Comments] for vegetation comments and descriptions.For further metadata details see feature BIODIVERSITY.SDEADMIN.BIODIV_INVENTORY_WAIKATO_RIVER in dataset Biodiversity Inventory