At-Sea Observations of Seabirds 1969 to 1990

This is a dataset of at-sea observations of seabirds dating from 1969 to 1990.

The data was recorded using guidelines for the Australasian Seabird Mapping Scheme and counts seabirds seen from a ship during a 10 minute period. The data includes geolocations of the sightings, bird species, numbers and behaviour, observer and ship name, and observation date and time. It has been built from data elements extracted by Te Papa staff from the at-sea bird observations recorded in the logbooks of Captain John Arthur Francis Jenkins (1928-1989) and count cards held by the convenor of the Australasian Seabird Mapping Scheme.

The logbooks of Captain Jenkins are held by the Archives of the Auckland War Memorial Museum.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme Environment and conservation
Author Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Maintainer Victoria Leachman
Maintainer Email Victoria Leachman
Maintainer Phone 04 381 7000
Update frequency Irregular
Source Created Unknown
Source Modified Unknown
Language English
Temporal (From to To) 1969/1990
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 30 November 2017, last updated 30 November 2017