8 datasets found

  • NES-PF Erosion Susceptibility Classification and Fish Spawning Indicator Tool

    Ministry for Primary Industries
    This is the National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF) Erosion Susceptibility Classification (ESC) and Fish Spawning Indicator (FSI). The ESC and FSI is a tool developed by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) to support councils and foresters in decisions on the level of risk under the NES-PF. It allows stakeholders to see the...
    Created 12 July 2021 Updated 1 October 2021
  • OLD - Dataset (3 of 4) - Non-Migratory Fish Spawning Habitats (Fish Spawning...

    Ministry for Primary Industries
    The original spatial data for each non-migratory fish species was received from the department of Conservation (DOC) as individual shapefiles for each species. These data showed the habitat range of species along rivers indicated as slim buffers (~1-2m). These buffers, however, are indicative only and do not represent the areas where the regulation...
    Created 1 October 2021 Updated 1 October 2021
  • Fish Spawning Habitats (November 2020)

    Ministry for Primary Industries
    Various types of fish species live and spawn their eggs during different times of the year in freshwaters of New Zealand. The species have evolved to depend on the unique ecological conditions of their habitat. Therefore, they are vulnerable to any impact on their habitat. Any activity such as logging the riparian trees on the sides of rivers or the...
    Created 1 October 2021 Updated 1 October 2021
  • Modelled Probability over 50% - Class A & B (November 2020)

    Ministry for Primary Industries
    The predictive fish species habitats were provided by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA). This data was refined and made into a spatial layer by MPI. The resulting spatial layer indicates sections of rivers where there is 50% or more probability for the existence of given species. Along with the sampled NZFFD data, these...
    Created 1 October 2021 Updated 1 October 2021
  • Modelled Probability over 50% - Class B (November 2020)

    Ministry for Primary Industries
    The predictive fish species habitats were provided by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA). This data was refined and made into a spatial layer by MPI. The resulting spatial layer indicates sections of rivers where there is 50% or more probability for the existence of given species. Along with the sampled NZFFD data, these...
    Created 1 October 2021 Updated 1 October 2021
  • Modelled Probability over 50% - Class A (November 2020)

    Ministry for Primary Industries
    The predictive fish species habitats were provided by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA). This data was refined and made into a spatial layer by MPI. The resulting spatial layer indicates sections of rivers where there is 50% or more probability for the existence of given species. Along with the sampled NZFFD data, these...
    Created 1 October 2021 Updated 1 October 2021
  • Non-migratory Fish Spawning Habitats (November 2020)

    Ministry for Primary Industries
    The original spatial data for each non-migratory fish species was received from the department of Conservation (DOC) as individual shapefiles for each species. These data showed the habitat range of species along rivers indicated as slim buffers (~1-2m). These buffers, however, are indicative only and do not represent the areas where the regulation...
    Created 1 October 2021 Updated 1 October 2021
  • Erosion Susceptibility Classification (March 2018)

    Ministry for Primary Industries
    The Erosion Susceptibility Classification (ESC) is used to identify the susceptibility of land to erosion and then to set regulatory thresholds for various plantation forestry activities. The ESC is based on the analysis of potential and present erosion data associated with the NZ Land Resource Inventory and classification of Land Use Capability (LUC)...
    Created 1 October 2021 Updated 1 October 2021
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