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136 datasets found
ACC's Data & Information Inventory
Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)List of publicly available datasets and information assets from Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).Created 16 June 2020 • Updated 16 June 2020 -
Survey of public sector information management 2018/19
Department of Internal AffairsContext about collection and purpose of the dataset Why the data was collected Archives New Zealand regulates public offices and local authorities’ information management practice under the Public Records Act 2005 (PRA). A significant focus for us this year has been the reinstatement of our annual in-depth survey of public sector information management....Created 26 November 2019 • Updated 12 January 2020 -
Fetal and Infant Deaths 2016
Ministry of HealthThese tables present a summary of fetal and infant deaths, with a focus on deaths and stillbirths registered in 2016.Created 21 November 2019 • Updated 21 November 2019 -
OIA Response - #51192
Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)ACC response to an OIA on the following question: Wanting to see the amount of claims for occupational noise induced hearing loss, including totals per annum, and totals per annum by industry.Created 16 October 2019 • Updated 16 October 2019 -
Cancer: Historical summary 1948–2016
Ministry of HealthThese tables contain cancer registration and death data for selected cancers by sex, from 1948–2016. Data is presented as numbers and age-standardised rates, for male, female and total population. Data is sourced from the New Zealand Cancer Registry and the New Zealand Mortality Collection, as well as the Cancer: New Registrations and Deaths publications,...Created 3 October 2019 • Updated 3 October 2019 -
Mortality 2016 data tables
Ministry of HealthThese tables contain information on the underlying causes of all deaths registered in New Zealand in 2016. A 'Quick facts' section also includes information on rates of death by ethnicity and selected causes of mortalityCreated 16 September 2019 • Updated 16 September 2019 -
Comptroller of the New Zealand Customs Service expenses
New Zealand Customs ServiceCustoms publishes spreadsheets showing the Comptroller's expenses every six months. The spreadsheets show the business expenses incurred by the Comptroller as well as any gifts and hospitality.Created 2 March 2017 • Updated 31 July 2019 -
Chief Executive expenses from 1 July 2018 - 30 June 2019
Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for ChildrenOranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children Chief Executive expensesCreated 30 July 2019 • Updated 30 July 2019 -
Social Housing Register - September 2018
Ministry of Social DevelopmentWhen New Zealanders are in need of public housing, their needs are recorded on either the Housing Register or the Transfer Register. The numbers of applications on both registers are published on a quarterly basis, and the combined register is referred to as the Social Housing Register. The Housing Register represents applicants not currently in public...Created 8 November 2018 • Updated 19 June 2019 -
Social housing register - December 2018
Ministry of Social DevelopmentWhen New Zealanders are in need of public housing, their needs are recorded on either the Housing Register or the Transfer Register. The numbers of applications on both registers are published on a quarterly basis, and the combined register is referred to as the Social Housing Register. The Housing Register represents applicants not currently in public...Created 20 February 2019 • Updated 19 June 2019 -
Social housing register - March 2019
Ministry of Social DevelopmentWhen New Zealanders are in need of public housing, their needs are recorded on either the Housing Register or the Transfer Register. The numbers of applications on both registers are published on a quarterly basis, and the combined register is referred to as the Social Housing Register. The Housing Register represents applicants not currently in public...Created 23 May 2019 • Updated 19 June 2019 -
Publicly funded hospital discharges – 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016
Ministry of HealthThese tables contain summarised data showing publicly funded hospital discharges and procedures by DHB, ethnic group, sex, age group and disease/procedure classification. The data is provided in multiple formats.Created 3 December 2018 • Updated 4 December 2018 -
Disclosure of expenses 2016-2017
Health and Disability CommissionerHealth and Disability Commissioner Expenses 2016-2017Created 27 July 2017 • Updated 31 July 2018 -
SUPERU Chief Executive expenses
Social Policy Evaluation and Research Unit - SuperuThis is a summary of our Chief Executive’s expenses, gifts and hospitality. This information is provided in response to the State Services Commissioner's introduction of a disclosure regime for chief executive expenses, gifts and hospitality. For more information please visit 20 March 2017 • Updated 26 July 2018 -
PRRA Chief Executive expenses
Pike River Recovery AgencyThe Pike River Recovery Agency was established on 31 January 2018.Created 23 July 2018 • Updated 23 July 2018 -
Mortality: Historical summary 1948–2015
Ministry of HealthThese tables present mortality data (numbers and age-standardised rates) by sex for certain causes of death for each year from 1948 to 2015. Māori and non-Māori mortality data is presented from 1996 to 2015.Created 23 April 2018 • Updated 23 April 2018
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