Social Housing Register - September 2018

When New Zealanders are in need of public housing, their needs are recorded on either the Housing Register or the Transfer Register. The numbers of applications on both registers are published on a quarterly basis, and the combined register is referred to as the Social Housing Register.

The Housing Register represents applicants not currently in public housing who have been assessed as eligible for public housing, and who are ready to be matched to a suitable property.

The Transfer Register represents applicants already in public housing who need to be rehoused for reasons such as there being too few or too many bedrooms in their current public house, or for health reasons.

Below are links to download the XLSX spreadsheets that we publish for this release, along with links to informational webpages.

You may find the previous release at:

You can find the next release at:

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme Housing
Author Ministry of Social Development
Maintainer Ministry of Social Development
Update frequency Quarterly
Source Created 2018-11-09
Source Modified 2019-02-20
Language English
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 8 November 2018, last updated 19 June 2019