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536 datasets found
Transfer Station / Recycling Centre
Environment CanterburyTransfer Stations / Recycling Centres in the Canterbury Region.Created 17 July 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
LWRP - High Runoff Risk Phosphorus Zone
Environment CanterburyHigh Runoff Risk Phosphorus Zone as defined in the Land and Water Regional Plan.For more information visit the Land and Water Regional Plan page on the Environment Canterbury website: 17 July 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
LWRP - Valley and Tributaries FMU
Environment CanterburyValley and Tributaries FMU as defined in the Land and Water Regional Plan.For more information visit the Land and Water Regional Plan page on the Environment Canterbury website: 17 July 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
LWRP - Hakataramea FMU
Environment CanterburyHakataramea FMU as defined in the Land and Water Regional Plan.For more information visit the Land and Water Regional Plan page on the Environment Canterbury website: 17 July 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
LWRP - Northern Fan FMU
Environment CanterburyNorthern Fan FMU as defined in the Land and Water Regional Plan.For more information visit the Land and Water Regional Plan page on the Environment Canterbury website: 17 July 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
LWRP - Upper Waitaki FMU
Environment CanterburyUpper Waitaki FMU as defined in the Land and Water Regional Plan.For more information visit the Land and Water Regional Plan page on the Environment Canterbury website: 17 July 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
LWRP - Area of Soils
Environment CanterburyArea of Soils as defined in the Land and Water Regional Plan.For more information visit the Land and Water Regional Plan page on the Environment Canterbury website: 17 July 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
LWRP - Nutrient Allocation sub-areas
Environment CanterburyNutrient Allocation sub-areas as defined in the Land and Water Regional Plan.For more information visit the Land and Water Regional Plan page on the Environment Canterbury website: 17 July 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
Soil Trace Elements Level 2
Environment CanterburyThis layer gives the results of a detailed investigation into the background concentrations of selected trace elements in Canterbury's major soil groups from samples taken between 28/2/2006 and 16/3/2006. Canterbury soil groups identified by the Land Resource Inventory (LRI) and Canterbury Soils (CS) datasets were used in this investigation and are...Created 17 July 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
Wells & Bores - with Borelogs
Environment CanterburyWells and Bores as recorded in the Environment Canterbury Wells Database. Note that this may include proposed bores and test bores that have been subsequently filled in.Created 16 July 2020 • Updated 1 September 2020 -
Wells & Bores - with Specific Capacity
Environment CanterburyWells and Bores as recorded in the Environment Canterbury Wells Database. Note that this may include proposed bores and test bores that have been subsequently filled in.Created 16 July 2020 • Updated 1 September 2020 -
Groundwater Allocation Zones
Environment CanterburyIntended UseThe Groundwater Allocation Zones layer collates zones for regulating groundwater use as defined in the Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan (LWRP) and various regional plans. This includes groundwater allocation zones, groundwater management zones, and combined surface water and groundwater zones. Layers were digitised to cadastral accuracy...Created 16 July 2020 • Updated 1 September 2020 -
Lake and Wetland Public Access Sites
Environment CanterburyThe data provides information on recreation and amenities at lake and wetland access sites. The information describes the site and its amenities and suggests recreational uses. The public access sites are open to the public without obtaining prior landowner’s permission. Almost, every public access site has been visited by an Environment Canterbury staff...Created 1 September 2020 • Updated 1 September 2020 -
Irrigated Areas
Environment CanterburyMethodology The Canterbury irrigated area dataset combines different data, including: · farm boundary extents (land ownership and GIS data from Land Information New Zealand) · high resolution aerial imagery and/or satellite photos · resource consent data · analysis of satellite data (using normalised different vegetation index (NDVI) imagery) ·...Created 16 July 2020 • Updated 1 September 2020 -
Chatham Island Tsunami Evacuation Zones
Environment CanterburyThis dataset shows the tsunami evacuation zones for the Chatham Islands Council, drawn in December 2017. What do the zones mean? The Red Zone is the shore exclusion zone, including beaches, estuaries, river mouths and Te Whanga Lagoon. Even if a tsunami is not big enough to flood land, it can cause strong and unusual currents in the water, and...Created 16 July 2020 • Updated 1 September 2020 -
Groundwater Level Monitoring Sites - Current
Environment CanterburyWells and Bores as recorded in the Environment Canterbury Wells Database. Note that this may include proposed bores and test bores that have been subsequently filled in.Created 17 July 2020 • Updated 2 August 2020
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