Irrigated Areas


The Canterbury irrigated area dataset combines different data, including:

·         farm boundary extents (land ownership and GIS data from Land Information New Zealand)

·         high resolution aerial imagery and/or satellite photos

·         resource consent data

·         analysis of satellite data (using normalised different vegetation index (NDVI) imagery)

·         agricultural production statistics (Statistics New Zealand).  

A summary of the methodology, and tabulated irrigated area data for the Canterbury region and each of its ten water management zones, are found in the report: Canterbury detailed irrigated area mapping (2016). Prepared for Environment Canterbury by Aqualinc Research Limited. 

By “irrigated area” we mean the area actually irrigated for productive gain, not the consented area. Official Environment Canterbury Tech Report: 

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Maintainer canterburymaps
Source Created 2017-12-17T20:48:49.000Z
Source Modified 2017-12-17T21:59:23.000Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[169.782, -44.9448], [174.01, -44.9448], [174.01, -41.9901], [169.782, -41.9901], [169.782, -44.9448]]]}
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 16 July 2020, last updated 1 September 2020