1% AEP Urban Stormwater Flood Modelling Extent 2019 - Scenario Climate Change

The dataset shows the extent of flooding in an extreme 1-in-100-year rainfall event, which has a 1% probability of occurring in any given year.  Scenario 'Climate Change': HIRDS v4 with climate change accounted for by RCP 6.0 climate change assumptions (2081-2100) The flood mapping extents include shallow flooding and low hazard water depths.The flooding extent shown uses the ground levels in 2019. Any changes to ground levels since this date (such as through development and earthworks) are not represented. The data was obtained by undertaking dynamic 1D and 2D (computer) modelling which takes into account the landuse, terrain, detailed survey information and information collected about the stormwater assets in 2019.The modelling adopts several standard assumptions around climate, rainfall, ground information and runoff.Height information is in Moturiki 1953 datum.Included are the urban areas of Cambridge, Te Awamutu, Kihikihi, Pirongia and Ohaupo.For further information please go to the website or contact the team via email: floodhazardmapping@waipadc.govt.nz

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Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Author WaipaDistrictCouncil
Maintainer WaipaDistrictCouncil
Maintainer Email WaipaDistrictCouncil
Source https://data-waikatolass.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/d28e591862b84588b2f218c2cd245cd1_0
Source Created 2022-03-30T23:36:48.000Z
Source Modified 2022-03-30T23:40:28.681Z
Language English
Spatial { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [175.1911, -38.0605], [175.4988, -38.0605], [175.4988, -37.8682], [175.1911, -37.8682], [175.1911, -38.0605] ] ] }
Source Identifier https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=d28e591862b84588b2f218c2cd245cd1&sublayer=0
Dataset metadata created 31 January 2024, last updated 3 March 2025