Kauri Dieback Science Stocktake
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchA list of past and current research focused on biology, impacts and management of kauri dieback (Phytophthora agathidicida). Builds on work previously undertaken by the BioHeritage Challenge and MPI. Collated with assistance from DOC and MPI. This is a living document and we need your help to find those additional publications, research projects or...Created 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
Aligned Funding 2015-16
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchSummary visualisations from research aligned to the Biological Heritage NSC by Challenge parties - 2015/16. See also 2016/17 and 2017/18.Created 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
Lead Collaborator Terms & Conditons
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchThese terms and conditions govern how funding is used to perform the research required to be carried out under the NSCIC and Challenge Programme Agreements made in accordance with the NSCIC.Created 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
Matauranga Maori Characteristics of New Zealand's Biodiversity
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchReference: Mead A 2019. 1.1. Matauranga Maori Characteristics of New Zealand's Biodiversity - A Literature Review. This paper reports on the findings of a literature review conducted on the wellbeing of indigenous knowledge holders as part of the Biological Heritage Challenge project 1.1 'Matauranga Maori Characterisations of New Zealand's Biodiversity:...Created 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
Data: Demographic and psychographic drivers of acceptance of pest control...
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchData associated with paper Eppink, F., P. Walsh, and E. MacDonald. 2021. Demographic and psychographic drivers of public acceptance of novel invasive pest control technologies. Ecology and Society 26(1):31. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-12301-260131Created 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
Black swan egg harvest experiment data
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchData on black swan egg-laying rates, egg hatching probability, and overall nest hatching success associated with different customary egg harvest regimes implemented at Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere in 2018, and R script used to develop models of those relationships. [Bioheritage project 3.2]Created 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
Passive Surveillance
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchThe research team from the Passive surveillance network project (BioHeritage project 2.5) have established an iNaturalist presence to store publicly available data from the Find-a-pest app developed in the project. Please note the license terms and conditions as specified on iNaturalist, and Find-a-pest.Created 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
Scientifically framed gene drive communications
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchData associated with paper by Edith A MacDonald, Eric D. Edwards, Jovana Balanovic, Fabien Medvecky: Scientifically framed gene drive communications perceived as credible but riskier, submitted to People and Nature. [Bioheritage project 2.6]Created 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
Biodiversity on sheep and beef farms - 2019
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchNative biodiversity on sheep and beef farms from the farmers' perspective - A survey of 500 sheep and beef farmers from around New Zealand was conducted by phone between March and April 2019. The phone survey was conducted by UMR Research and survey participants were sourced from Beef + Lamb New Zealand's levy payers database. The survey was stratified...Created 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
NZBH Intellectual Property Management Plan
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchThis IP Plan sets out how the Challenge Members intend to manage the intellectual property arising from Challenge Programmes to maximise the benefit of that Project IP for New Zealand.Created 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
Rodent review datasets
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchThe research team from the High-tech solutions to invasive mammal pests (BioHeritage project 2.3) have published the databases (csv format) on the population and spatial ecology of ship rats (Rattus rattus), Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus), and house mice (Mus musculus). The file "Bibliography.docx" contains the list of references used in the systematic...Created 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
Nga Rakau Taketake - Animation
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchAnimation introducing Nga Rakau Takeke, and Myrtle Rust and Kauri diebackCreated 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
Stream mesocosm restoration experiment
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchA stream mesocosm experiment to investigate biological community recovery following restoration This experiment aimed to identify the impacts of a degraded community on colonist community establishment. 12 mesocosms were established, simulating physically healthy streams. Degraded invertebrate communities were established in half, mimicking the post-...Created 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
Forest vegetation of Tuhoe-Tuawhenua
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchEcologically accurate artwork panels: Declines of iwi dialects and terms for localised fauna and flora risks losing associated Matauranga. A static visual educational resource, using the forest vegetation of Tuhoe-Tuawhenua, was developed as a proof-of-concept for restoring local knowledge. The visual tool accurately displays Tuhoe-Tuawhenua names for...Created 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
NZ Groundwater Invertebrates
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchThe research team from the Indicators of groundwater biodiversity and ecosystem health project (BioHeritage project 1.5) have collected data on 285 specimens of stygofaunal amphipods and isopods which are catalogued within the NIWA Invertebrate Collection database. Catalogue entries include links to DNA information within the BOLD (Barcode of Life)...Created 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
Beliefs/public opinion about gene drive and pest-specific toxin for pest control
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchUnderlying beliefs linked to public opinion about gene drive and pest-specific toxin for pest control: Survey data to explore attitudes to novel pest control techniques (https://www.publish.csiro.au/WR/WR19149). [Bioheritage project 2.6]Created 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
LCDB v4.1 - Land Cover Database version 4.1, Chatham Islands
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchThe New Zealand Land Cover Database (LCDB) is a multi-temporal, thematic classification of New Zealand's land cover. It contains 33 mainland classes (35 including the offshore Chatham Islands). The classification has evolved from version to version but backward compatibility has been maintained. Geographic features are described by a polygon boundary, a...Created 3 May 2018 • Updated 10 October 2020 -
LCDB v4.1 - Land Cover Database version 4.1, Mainland New Zealand
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchThe New Zealand Land Cover Database (LCDB) is a multi-temporal, thematic classification of New Zealand's land cover. It contains 33 mainland classes (35 including the offshore Chatham Islands). The classification has evolved from version to version but backward compatibility has been maintained. Geographic features are described by a polygon boundary, a...Created 3 May 2018 • Updated 10 October 2020 -
Land Eelements (North Island)
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchThis data layer was derived from terrain analysis of a 25 m resolution national digital terrain model to create a setof landform elements. The landform elements are derived from a fuzzy classification based on local geometry (curvature and slope) and landscape context, and provide a primary foundation for mapping soil distribution in steepland land...Created 3 May 2018 • Updated 3 June 2018 -
LENZ - Soil particle size
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchParticle size data layer used in the creation of Land Environments of New Zealand (LENZ) classification. The classification layers have been made publicly available by the Ministry for the Environment (see data.mfe.govt.nz/layers/?q=LENZ for to access these layers). The data defines the average particle size based on the soil information (from the NZLRI)...Created 8 March 2017 • Updated 8 March 2017