Te Puna Aonui
Executive Board for the Elimination of Family violence and Sexual violence ( https://tepunaaonui.govt.nz/)
The Joint Venture was formed in 2018 to improve the whole-of-government approach to family Violence and sexual violence.
In 2022, the Joint Venture became Te Puna Aonui, an Interdepartmental Executive Board under the Public Service Act 2020.
Te Puna Aonui agencies are responsible for implementing Te Aorerekura – the National Strategy to Eliminate Family Violence and Sexual Violence.
Together, we:
provide whole-of-government strategy, policy, and budgeting advice to Ministers on eliminating family violence and sexual violence provide analysis and evidence to support Ministers to make decisions on specific interventions provide Ministers with an oversight of interventions and outcomes within the whole family violence and sexual violence sector, and identify any linkages, gaps, or opportunities monitor, support, and coordinate implementation of Te Aorerekura, and other priority and cross-agency initiatives manage relationships between government and the family violence and sexual violence sectors.