Māori Language Commission

Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori (Māori Language Commission): - promotes and raises awareness of the Māori language and Māori language issues - promotes quality standards of written and spoken Māori through initiatives such as advanced immersion courses, a Māori language checking service, the Commission's quarterly newsletters He Muka & Ko te Whānau and public service attestations - administers examinations for candidates seeking formal certification as translators and interpreters - researches and formulates policy related to the promotion, maintenance and progression of the Māori language - conducts lexical expansion work including the production of glossaries Our strategic goals are to: - increase the number of people who know the Māori language by increasing the opportunities to learn Māori - improve the proficiency levels of Māori in speaking, listening, reading and writing Māori - increase the opportunities to use Māori by increasing the number of situations where Māori can be used - increase the rate at which the Māori language develops so that it can be used for the full range of modern activities - foster among Māori and non-Māori positive attitudes, accurate beliefs and positive values about the Māori language so that Māori-English bilingualism becomes a valued part of New Zealand.