AgResearch Limited
AgResearch comprises a number of renowned research centres and farms but most importantly it is made up of individual scientists, engineers, technicians and their teams, and support staff.
Their work targets the key opportunities and issues faced by the pastoral, biotechnology and textiles sectors, and leads to innovative products and knowledge that benefit all New Zealanders.
AgResearch’s mission is to create sustainable wealth in the pastoral and biotechnology sectors through science and technology. Its 2020 Science strategy is a vision for how we can work together to keep New Zealand prosperous to 2020 and beyond.
This vision involves AgResearch working closely with its industry partners to double the value produced by the dairy, meat and textile industries while halving their costs and impacts on the environment. It is captured in five big ideas: future dairy industry; future meat and textile industries; pestilence-free New Zealand; agriculture and its communities; and opportunities beyond food and fibre.
AgResearch’s activities are critical in ensuring the prosperity, security, and ecological sustainability of New Zealand’s pastoral sector. This sector is the backbone of our economy and its continued success is essential to this country’s living standards. To create the future of the pastoral sector we must be forward-focused – identifying scientific and technology opportunities and turning them into tangible benefits.