Coastal Environment
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilA polygon depicting the coastal margin to which the RCEP applys.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Coastal Margin
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilIs the area between mean high water springs and the inland coastal boundary. The land area to which the RCEP applies.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Sustainable Landuse
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilSustainable Landuse Classes in HBRCCreated 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Tukituki Mask
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilRegional mask for mapping TukitukiCreated 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
SHU Blocks
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilThe SHU (Self Help Unit) Blocks dataset was created by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC) to identify property blocks over 4 Ha in its Possum Control Area (PCA) programme.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Priority Wetlands
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilDepicts the 11 priority wetlands in Hawke’s Bay.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Low Flow History
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilSome Water Take resource consents have restrictions placed on them when the river flows drop below certain levels. Sites can have multiple flow restriction levels. All of the low flow monitoring sites are shown, along with their restriction level, the most recent river flow and the restriction status of the site. Data can be download as a spreadsheet.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
LAWA Air Management Zone Reference Data
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilThis dataset was created to provide information to LAWA as part of the federated data project. The features gazetted airsheds in the Hawke’s Bay region.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
LAWA Water Management Zone Reference Data
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilThis dataset was created to provide information to LAWA as part of the federated data project. The features are aggregations of NIWA’s River Environment Classification watersheds. Water allocation information from current Regional Plans is provided for both groundwater and surfacewater where this is available. Time series identifiers for water use are...Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
HawkesBay TsunamiEvacuation Routes
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilTo provide communities with appropriate information for evacuation in the event of a Tsunami. Evacuation routes are designed to delineate the route from within the zone to beyond the boundary the evacuation zone. The safe locations must be within the safe area. (Outside all evacuation zones or where vertical evacuation options is offered)Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Hawke's Bay Active Faults Arc
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilThis dataset is the faults data for New Zealand. The dataset is a product of the QMAP Geological Map of New Zealand Project and was produced by GNS Science. It represents the most current mapping of faults for New Zealand in a single dataset at a scale of 1:250 000Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Central Hawkes Bay Fault Avoidance Zones 2013
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilFault Avoidance Zones in the Central Hawkes Bay District created as part of GNS Science Client report CR2013/151- Active Fault Mapping and Avoidance Zones for Central Hawkes Bay District: 2013 update.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
HawkesBay TsunamiEvacuation SafeLocations
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilTo provide communities with appropriate information for evacuation in the event of a Tsunami. Evacuation routes are designed to delineate the route from within the zone to beyond the boundary the evacuation zone. The safe locations must be within the safe area. (Outside all evacuation zones or where vertical evacuation options is offered)Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Hastings Faultlines 2015
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilActive faultlines in the Hastings District created as part of GNS Science Client Report CR2015/112- Active Fault Mapping and Fault Avoidance Zones for Hastings District and Environs: 2015 Update.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Central Hawke's Bay Faultlines 2013
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilActive faultlines in the Central Hawkes Bay District created as part of GNS Science Client report CR2013/151- Active Fault Mapping and Avoidance Zones for Central Hawkes Bay District: 2013 update.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Iwi Hapu Management Plans
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilIwi Hapu management plan details for the Hawke's BayCreated 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Pilotage Limit
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilThe HBRC, as a Harbour Authority under the Local Government Act 1974, is responsible for navigation safety inside the Pilotage Limits. This area is shown on the planning maps in Volume 2 of the RCEP. These functions are carried out by the Harbour Master under the HBRC Navigation and Safety Bylaws. This is recognised in Guideline 1. Outside the pilotage...Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Coastal Environmental Inland Boundary
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilA line depicting the inland boundary of the coastal environment to which the RCEP applys.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Port Management Area
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilManagement areas are a means of recognising and providing for areas with different qualities, values and specific needs within Hawke's Bay’s coastal environment. These management areas have specific provisions which apply only within their boundaries.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Dredge Disposal Area
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilThe location where material from the maintenance dredging of the Fairway, or Swinging Basin and Berth areas in the Port Management Area must be deposited. There are two speficic Dredge Disposal Areas.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020