Dredge Disposal Area

The location where material from the maintenance dredging of the Fairway, or Swinging Basin and Berth areas in the Port Management Area must be deposited. There are two speficic Dredge Disposal Areas.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Maintainer HBRC_Data
Source http://hbrcopendata-hbrc.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/76702b36d8294501b4518dd1c5732353_14
Source Created 2016-12-07T00:08:02.000Z
Source Modified 2019-06-07T03:46:16.000Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[176.8775, -39.4773], [176.9035, -39.4773], [176.9035, -39.4489], [176.8775, -39.4489], [176.8775, -39.4773]]]}
Source Identifier http://hbrcopendata-hbrc.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/76702b36d8294501b4518dd1c5732353_14
Dataset metadata created 29 January 2020, last updated 29 January 2020