Primary and Secondary Frontages
Wellington City CouncilDistrict Plan layers as used in the WCC Webmap. To see how this relates to individual buildings please refer to the WCC ePlan toolCreated 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
Wellington City Mobility Scooter Locations
Wellington City CouncilMobility scooters are provided by Wellington City Council and TSB Bank to enable people with limited mobility to freely access all that Wellington has to offer. People aged 18+ can book a mobility scooter for up to four hours free of charge.Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
WCC Tracks
Wellington City CouncilLocation and details of WCC tracks within the Wellington City area. Note that this data is updated regularly.Description of fields and the contents shown: Links to References: NZ Standard (SNZ HB 8630:2004) - http://hutsandtracks.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/SNZ-Tracks-and-Outdoor-Visitor-Structures-Handbook.pdf Kennet Brothers Grading System adopted...Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
WCC Emergency Water Tank Location
Wellington City CouncilThis layer provides information about Wellington City Council's emergency water storage tanks. For more information around these please contact Wellington City Council at info@wcc.govt.nz.This data will be updated as required.Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
Wellington City Council Boundary
Wellington City CouncilThis layer denotes the geographic boundaries of Wellington City Council governed areas.Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
Wellington CC 5m Contours 2017
Wellington City CouncilThis dataset contains 5m Contours created by AAM from 2017 aerial photography. The DTM was created from 2006 LiDAR, 2009, 2011 & 2017 photogrametry masspoints and breaklines. Contours generated from LiDAR and photogrametry should not be used for detailed engineering design.Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
Wellington CC 1m Contours 2017
Wellington City CouncilThis dataset contains 1m Contours created by AAM from 2017 aerial photography. The DTM was created from 2006 LiDAR, 2009, 2011 & 2017 photogrametry masspoints and breaklines. Contours generated from LiDAR and photogrametry should not be used for detailed engineering design.Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
Wellington City CouncilWind Zones for the Wellington City Urban Areas using NZS3604:2011. When applying for a building consent, the wind zone in which a structure is located determines structural requirements (New Zealand Building Code - NZBC B1 - Structure) and weather tight requirements (NZBC E2 - External Moisture). Wind Codes and Wind Zones: 1 Low Wind (L). 2 Medium Wind...Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
Flood Zones
Wellington City CouncilFlood zones are identified from a combination of historic flooding records and flood modelling compiled by Wellington Water. Data has been compiled from a variety of sources and its accuracy may vary. Information supplied is to the best of Wellington Water's knowledge, and must not be used for detailed engineering design. Please contact Wellington Water...Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
WCC Wards 2016 - 2019
Wellington City CouncilThis dataset contains the approved Northern, Onslow - Western, Lambton, Eastern and Southern ward boundaries for the 2019 local government elections as determined by the Local Government Commission.Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
Wellington Buildings
Wellington City CouncilPolygons representing building rooftop outlines for urban Wellington including Makara Beach and Makara Village. Each building has an associated elevation above MSL (Wellington 1953). The rooftop elevation does not include above roof structures such as aerials or chimneys. Captured in 1996 and updated in 1998, 1999, 2002, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2017 in...Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
WCC Cycle Racks
Wellington City CouncilThis Cycle Racks layer has been created for the purpose of depicting cycle rack locations within the Wellington City local authority area.Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
Building Solar Radiation
Wellington City CouncilThis layer shows the exposure values that buildings have to solar radiation (sun exposure). If you wish to view the layer with the full colour raster overlay, please use the following URLhttp://gis.wcc.govt.nz/arcgis/rest/services/Cache/Solar/MapServer/ in your map.To simply view this data you are encouraged to use our existing viewer at:...Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
Support Services Wellington City
Wellington City CouncilThis Support Services Wellington layer includes essential services like volunteer groups, social services and food banks with full contact details given for each organisation. This layer has been created originally in response to Covid-19 and as of Level 1 is no longer being updated.Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
WCC Recreation Centres
Wellington City CouncilProvides location information for Wellington City Council's recreation centres. To learn more about recreation in the Wellington City Council area please follow this link: http://wellington.govt.nz/recreationCreated 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
Wellington City Civil Defence Centres
Wellington City CouncilIn a major disaster or emergency Civil Defence Centres are activated by volunteers. The centres are situated in primary schools or other community locations like community centres. There is very little equipment at Civil Defence Centres.Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
Wellington City Community Centres
Wellington City CouncilWellington’s community centres offer resources, support services and activities to improve the quality of life in communities in the city. The Council contributes funding, training, information, advice and sometimes land and buildings to support community centres in their important work.Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
Wellington City Community Halls
Wellington City CouncilThe Council manages five community facilities (halls and rooms) that can be hired by community groups or individuals for meetings and events.Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
Wellington City Recycling Centres
Wellington City CouncilPoints representing recycling Centres administered by the Wellington City CouncilCreated 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
Wellington City Service Centre
Wellington City CouncilPoint representing the Service Centre for the Wellington City Council. You can do most of your Council business at the City Service Centre.Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020