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Groups: Land Formats: SHP

  • NZ Street Address (Electoral) (Deprecated)

    Land Information New Zealand
    As of June 2017, this dataset has been replaced by the NZ Street Address and will no longer be updated. See Street Address Data Dictionary for field mappings to the new dataset. This layer provides all allocated addresses as advised to LINZ by Territorial Authorities (TAs). Under the Local Government Act 1974 (section 319) it is the responsibility of the...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • Landonline: Encumbrance

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This table is part of the comprehensive Full Landonline Dataset and is designed for use only by data professionals who require the complex version of our property ownership and boundary data for advanced uses. For a simplified version of data contained within this table see our property ownership and boundary data. An encumbrance is an...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ River Name Polygons (Pilot)

    Land Information New Zealand
    This dataset provides river name polygons for mainland New Zealand. It is part of a pilot to understand the benefit of combining river names and location, and making these openly available through the LINZ Data Service. Unnamed rivers are also included in this dataset. How this data can be used Together with the NZ River Name Lines (Pilot) dataset, these...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • AIMS: Address Reference Object Type

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the look-up table for Address Reference Object Type and is part of the set of comprehensive AIMS Address Tables. The Address Reference Object Type look-up table is used by the following tables; AIMS: Address Reference. The comprehensive address dataset includes eight data tables and nine lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • AIMS: Address Lifecycle Stage

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the look-up table for Address Lifecycle Stage and is part of the set of comprehensive AIMS Address Tables. The Address Lifecycle Stage look-up table is used by the following tables; AIMS: Address. The comprehensive address dataset includes eight data tables and nine lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s Address...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Powerline Centrelines (Topo, 1:50k)

    Land Information New Zealand
    A cable or cables supported by poles or towers for the transmission of electricity Data Dictionary for powerline_cl: This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland, Chatham and New Zealand's...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • AIMS: Alternative Address Type

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the look-up table for Alternative Address Type and is part of the set of comprehensive AIMS Address Tables. TheAlternative Address Type look-up table is used by the following tables; AIMS: Alternative Address. The comprehensive address dataset includes eight data tables and nine lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Building Outlines (All Sources)

    Land Information New Zealand
    This dataset provides building outlines within mainland New Zealand extracted from multiple years of aerial imagery, allowing you to see change over time, or restrict the dataset to building outlines that match a specific aerial imagery source. A building outline is a 2D representation of the roof outline of a building which has been classified from LINZ...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • AIMS: Addressable Object Type

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the look-up table for Addressable Object Type and is part of the set of comprehensive AIMS Address Tables. The Addressable Object Type look-up table is used by the following tables; AIMS: Addressable Object, AIMS: Addressable Object External. The comprehensive address dataset includes eight data tables and nine lookup tables. The...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • AIMS: Organisation

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the look-up table for Organisation and is part of the set of comprehensive AIMS Address Tables. The Organisation look-up table is used by the following tables; AIMS: Addressable Object. The comprehensive address dataset includes eight data tables and nine lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s Address Information...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • AIMS: Addressable Object Lifecycle Stage

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the look-up table for Addressable Object Lifecycle Stage and is part of the set of comprehensive AIMS Address Tables. The Addressable Object Lifecycle Stage look-up table is used by the following tables; AIMS: Addressable Object. The comprehensive address dataset includes eight data tables and nine lookup tables. The dataset has been...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Road Centrelines (Topo, 1:50k)

    Land Information New Zealand
    Any formed all weather route suitable for the passage of any vehicle. Data Dictionary for road_cl: This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland, Chatham and New Zealand's offshore islands, at 1:50,000...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • AIMS: Address Position Type

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the look-up table for Address Position Type and is part of the set of comprehensive AIMS Address Tables. The Address Position Type look-up table is used by the following tables; AIMS: Address Position. The comprehensive address dataset includes eight data tables and nine lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s Address...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ River Centrelines (Topo, 1:50k)

    Land Information New Zealand
    A natural, flowing body of water emptying into an ocean, lake or other body of water and usually fed along it's course by converging tributaries. Data Dictionary for river_cl: This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • South Island Pastoral Leases

    Land Information New Zealand
    This layer includes the current South Island pastoral leases as at the layer's latest revision date. It excludes pastoral leases that have completed Tenure Review, endowment land, special leases, pastoral occupation licences, pastoral vacant land and special leases. Lease boundaries have been derived from graphical cadastral line work held in LandOnline...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Railway Centre Lines

    Land Information New Zealand
    The source data exists in order to provide linear geometries against which official railway names can be recorded and to provide contextual data for Landonline users. A railway centreline in this layer will typically consist of a centreline wholly contained with a parcel(s) with an intent of "railway" The railway centrelines do not represent actual...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • AIMS: Addressable Object External

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: The AIMS: Addressable Object External table is part of the set of comprehensive AIMS Address tables. The Addressable Object External is able to store the unique ID for an external organisations Addressable Object. The Addressableobjectexternalid will be supplied by the external organisation. More information relating to Addressable Object is...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • AIMS: Address Class

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the look-up table for Address Class and is part of the set of comprehensive AIMS Address Tables. The Address Class look-up table is used by the following tables; AIMS: Address. The comprehensive address dataset includes eight data tables and nine lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s Address Information Management...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Contours (Topo, 1:250k)

    Land Information New Zealand
    An imaginary line that connects points of equal height value eg the elevation of the land surface above or below a vertical datum, in this case of LINZ topographic mapping, this is Mean Sea Level. Data Dictionary for contour: This layer is a component of the Topo250 map series. The...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • AIMS: Addressable Object

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: The AIMS: Addressable Object table is part of the set of comprehensive AIMS Address tables. An addressable object is the object the address is assigned to. This could be a parcel, building or unit. Parcel will be used as the Addressable Object initially. Over time LINZ will more accurately implement the addressableobject, for example using...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020